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On Location @ ABFAS
 Start The Month of May With Notable Children's Authors!
ABFAS recognizes the importance of teachers and we've set aside two nights of fun festivities to show our appreciation. We're inviting teachers to join us on the evenings of May 1st and 2nd. (A hearty welcome to those attending the NBCT Leadership Conference!) We'll have authors of popular children's books on hand, refreshments, and a 10% discount for teachers on all purchases.
Friday May 1, 7:00-9:00 PM meet author Rosanne Parry, author of Heart of A Shephard, called "a gripping coming-of-age novel and a celebration of rural life" by the Kirkus Review.
  Saturday May 2, 7:00-9:00 PM Meet authors including Patricia Clark, author of In the Shadow of the Mammoth, a heart-pounding adventure book for middle schoolers, and Mary Colborn, author of Rainy Day Slug, a delightful and surprising picture book.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Heart of A Shephard - $15.99
Buy a SIGNED Copy of In the Shadow of the Mammoth - $14.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Rainy Day Slug - $10.95
Meet Award-winning Author Molly Gloss at One of Two Fabulous Venues!
Presentation at the Leavenworth Library Friday, May 8, 7:00PM - 9:00PM
A Book For All Seasons partners with the North Central Regional Library in bringing best-selling author Molly Gloss to Leavenworth. "In all of Molly Gloss' work, lyric descriptions and unforgettable characters are supported by an open, wide-ranging intelligence and not at all undone by dry wit and an open heart," says best-selling author Amy Bloom. Molly Gloss's novels have received numerous awards including the Whiting Writers Award, James Tiptree Jr. Award, PEN/Faulkner Award for American Fiction finalist, PEN Center West Fiction Prize, Ken Kesey Award for the Novel, Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award, and the Oregon Book Award.
 Book Signing at A Book For All Seasons Saturday, May 9, 1:00PM - 3:00PM.
Molly will be signing her latest novel, The Hearts of Horses, where against the backdrop of World War One and a community confronting anti-German discrimination, Martha, a shy, 19-year-old making her own way in the world, gradually comes to feel enveloped by a sense of community and family she's never had before. And despite her best intentions to lead a solitary cowboy life, she eventually must ask herself whether she can maintain her hard-won self respect and independence—and also experience love.
"Truly one of the best books you'll ever read." — Jane Kirkpatrick
Click here to
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Hearts of Horses - $13.95
Calling All Writers - Come Write on the River
The fourth annual Wenatchee writers conference will blossom May 16 and 17 in Wenatchee. Meet professional authors, editors, and agents and fellow-writers from throughout our region, for inspiration and real world writing strategies. Visit the web site for more details: or
Register Online Now! |
 From award-winning photographer and author PAUL BANNICK: Bird Fest Keynote Address
Free Community Event!
Presentation at Red-tail Canyon Farm Saturday May 16, 5:00-7:00 PM,
informal book signing following.
Bird Fest keynote speaker and award-winning photographer Paul Bannick will take you on a stunning visual journey, derived from thousands of hours in the field. Paul will explore how owls and woodpeckers define and enrich their habitat, and how their life-histories are intertwined. In addition to being an award-winning photographer, Paul is an experienced naturalist and outdoor educator, and a director for Conservation Northwest, an organization dedicated to protecting and connecting wild areas from the Pacific Coast to the Canadian Rockies.
 Paul's stunning new book, The Owl and The Woodpecker: Encounters with North America's Most Iconic Birds, is based on thousands of hours in the field photographing these fascinating and wily birds. This book illuminates their natural rhythms, habits, and habitats, as well as the integral spirit of our wild places. An in-depth and comprehensive look at two of our most iconic-and important-bird families. Great for photography lovers, conservationists, and backyard enthusiasts alike. Includes an audio CD with calls and drumming.
"For anyone who appreciates wild things and wild places, each of Bannick's stunning photographs is worth ten thousand words." — Ted Williams, Editor-at-Large, Audubon Magazine.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Owl and The Woodpecker - $24.95
 Mike Denny, expert birder and field guide author, visits Barn Beach Reserve and A Book For All Seasons!
Presentation at Barn Beach Reserve, Sunday May 17, 10:00-11:30 AM.
Book signing at A Book For All Seasons, Sunday May 17, noon to 2:00 PM.
 Join Mike as he shares his wit, wisdom, and "awe of all things living" in this family-friendly venue. Mike Denny is one of three co-authors of Birds of the Inland Northwest and Northern Rockies.
Mike started birding in Africa where he lived from the time he was 8 until he was 13 years old and where he says he discovered "awe of all things living." Mike is the Riparian Habitat Coordinator for the Walla Walla County Conservation District and Conservation Chair at Blue Mountain Audubon Society. He received the 2007 Science Award from Audubon Washington for his work on minimizing bird kills from wind energy development.
Birds of the Inland Northwest and Northern Rockies is a field guide that beginning as well as veteran birders will love. Large, clear photographs, the color-coding, and the "quick guide" and "common local" overviews make this book very accessible and easy to use. Over 260 local birds are featured, with information on calls, feeding, behavior, ID tricks, and more. A small, light book, easy to tuck in your backpack.
Learn More...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Birds of the Inland Northwest and Northern Rockies - $18.95
Acclaimed author, activist, marine biologist and "fisherma'am" Riki Ott to speak at Sleeping Lady
Dr.Riki Ott, author of Not One Drop and Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$ will speak at Sleeping Lady chapel at 7:00 PM May 29, 2009.
It's time to make human rights and community values COUNT more than corporate profits. Join Dr. Riki Ott and ABFAS at the Sleeping Lady and learn why you should care — and how you can help make a difference.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Not One Drop - $21.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$ - $24.95
 Soak Up Super Summer Reads!
ABFAS kicks off a splendid summer of reading! Join us June 7 to shake hands and visit with three fabulous authors: Kaya McLaren, Jennie Shortridge, and Sheila Roberts. And yes, in true ABFAS "Book Buzz" tradition, we'll have a drawing for exciting prizes.
 Kaya McLaren, author of Church of the Dog and On the Divinity of Second Chances says: "When the good times roll around, drink it up, soak it up, whatever strengthens you... All of us get pinned to the mat in one way or another. How we pick ourselves up when we get pinned to the mat — that's what inspires me. That's what all my books are about in one way or another: second chances, turning points... [and] how much courage it takes to live big and to love big."
 "For the upcoming summer reading season, a perfect choice comes in the form of Jennie Shortridge's third novel, Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe. Shortridge creates a warm-hearted story, reminding the reader that it's never too late to rediscover yourself," says Rebecca Thomas (The Electric Review).
 In Love In Bloom, Sheila Roberts "writes compellingly about the issues faced by three women in different stages of life," says Booklist. "Sheila Roberts makes me laugh. I read her books and come away inspired, hopeful, and happy," says Debbie Macomber, New York Times Best Selling Author. Sheila's "characters are warm and engaging, and their interactions are full of humor," says Romantic Times Book Reviews.
ABFAS feels so fortunate to have these three best-selling authors together in place! Join us for this fabulous opportunity.
Learn More...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of On the Divinity of Second Chances - $14.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe - $14.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Love In Bloom - $13.95
ABFAS Top 10 April Best-Sellers...
Pat, Stephen, and Donica are thrilled to welcome their newest family member, and delighted that Tristan and his Mom Kate live in Leavenworth now!
Babies love books! And A Book For All Seasons loves babies! We are excited to introduce Sckoon Organic baby-wear to the community.
 These ultra-comfortable baby kimonos, onesies and outfits are pure, natural, and soft. Sweet styles and fun colors, dyed with environmentally friendly, low-impact dyes. Safe for baby's tender skin and good for Mother Nature.
Designed by Satoko Asai, this lovely organic-wear collection infuses Eastern culture with Western practicality.
Leavenworth Lived Up Earth Day!
Hundreds of locals relaxed and connected
at LIFE2's Earth day celebration.

There were...
Trucks that drink grease and cars you plug in, babies in kayaks, kids getting wet, jugglers, bicycles and shaggy sweet pets, solar fountains framed by mountains and hula-hooping barefoot in the warm sun. Life2's Earth day was fun - fun - fun!
Click for more information on Life2 |
What are Leavenworth-area birders reading?

One of my favorite reads last winter was The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon. This book of fiction is complex and gripping, a combination mystery whodunit, love story, and an exploration of how those outside the norm create community.
The "hero," a homicide detective, is in a very bad place - his life, career and marriage are in a shambles. However, he has a brilliant talent when it comes to solving crimes in the Federal District of Sitka, Alaska. It's all fiction, but the story seems totally plausible and it's fascinating to see how Chabon weaves together issues such as faith, obsession, hope, evil and salvation. I just couldn't put this book down until the very end.
— Gretchen Rohde
Buy The Yiddish Policemen's Union - $15.95

Gail Roberts, one of the organizers of Leavenworth's Bird Fest, spoke to A Book For All Seasons by phone about her recent favorite read (paraphrased below).
I just read Michael Pollan's fascinating book, In Defense of Food. Does your grocery store sell mainly food? Pollan doesn't think so.
Pollan thinks the majority of products sold in grocery stores today are "food-like products" that you'd be wiser to avoid. Shop the perimeter in a supermarket, he advises. As you pick up an item, ask yourself: would my ancestors recognize this as food? Set those highly processed corn-and-soy derivates (in their brightly-dyed packaging) right back down. Eat your way back to health, remembering that you descended from grazers who ate leaves—and a little bit of meat. Leave the fatty seed products to finches and other natural seed-eaters!
Pollan has so much to say about how to make eating healthy and fun again! I love the way Pollan boils it down to three simple sentences: Eat Food. Not very much. Mostly plants.
Learn more at
Buy In Defense of Food - $15.00
 Customers who bought In Defense of Food also bought also bought Omnivore's Dilemma. Click here to read more...
A Book For All Seasons says: see you at Bird Fest!
Visit for more information.

 My name is Jalen. I am six years old. I can read. Grandma Pat has a new grandson now, my new cousin. That's good. But he sleeps a lot. And I will always be older than him.
I am going to tell you about green books. That means books about loving the Earth.
I like the book All in A Day. It says "A day is all you have to be, it's all you get to keep..." I like my Mom to read me this book because it sounds like a poem and it makes me feel happy. I like the page where it says "You can make a wish, and start again..." On that page the little boy is blowing dandelion seeds all over and I like to do that too. Stephen says the pictures were from making lots of little cuts in one piece of paper. The pictures are super nice. Stephen says the author has a Newberry Honor and a Newberry Medal.
Buy All in A Day by Cynthia Rylant - $17.95
 Stephen, he is one of my Dads, he made a whole section of green books in our bookstore. He gets to do whatever he wants to in the bookstore. He likes to play guitar, and I play the drums.
Stephen and my Mom like a book called Change the World for Ten Bucks. There was one page they wouldn't show me. My Mom and Dad say even though we know some of it, we can learn from this book. It is fun and funny and has a lot of good ideas in it. It is like a teacher who makes you laugh instead of yelling at you. I like the pictures. We all like this book.
Check out the Change the World for Ten Bucks web site at
Buy Change the World for Ten Bucks: small actions x lots of people = big change by "We Are What We Do" - $10.00