Presentation at the Leavenworth Library Friday, May 8, 7:00PM - 9:00PM
 Book Signing at ABFAS Saturday, May 9, 1:00PM - 3:00PM.
A Book For All Seasons partners with the North Central Regional Library in bringing best-selling author Molly Gloss to Leavenworth. Molly's novels have received numerous awards including the Whiting Writers Award, James Tiptree Jr. Award, PEN/Faulkner Award for American Fiction finalist, PEN Center West Fiction Prize, Ken Kesey Award for the Novel, Pacific Northwest Booksellers Award, and the Oregon Book Award.
The west. History. Horses. Dust. Family. Community. Survival. Redemption. Women growing into their own identity. This is the intimate territory Molly guides us through in her powerful yet understated prose.
Molly grew up in the 1950s in a blue-collar family in rural Oregon, fourth generation.
"In the time and place I grew up," Molly writes, "... smart girls ... were encouraged and expected to be teachers or nurses while they waited to marry and have children, after which time they were expected to be housewives and mothers. Which is what I did, to a point... I was writing, yes, but I never ... imagined ... (I) could actually become a writer."
"My life as a writer began with motherhood. Motherhood isn't trivial; its activities may be trivial, but they put you in touch, deeply and immediately and daily, with the great issues of Life: heavy duty things like Love and Loss, Growth and Tolerance and Dignity, Control and Conflict and Power—which are the issues, incidentally, that make serious novels."
 In Molly's latest novel, The Hearts of Horses: Against the backdrop of a horrifying modern war, and a community confronting anti-German discrimination, Martha, a shy, 19-year-old making her own way in the world, gradually comes to feel enveloped by a sense of community and family she's never had before. And despite her best intentions to lead a solitary cowboy life, she eventually must ask herself whether she can maintain her hard-won self respect and independence—and also experience love.
"Truly one of the best books you'll ever read." — Jane Kirkpatrick
"In all of Molly Gloss' work, lyric descriptions and unforgettable characters are supported by an open, wide-ranging intelligence and not at all undone by dry wit and an open heart. The Hearts of Horses is a shining example of Molly Gloss' gifts." — Amy Bloom
Molly's earlier novels include:
The Jump-Off Creek, The Dazzle of Day, and Wild Life.
Read more about Molly's novel The Hearts of Horses...
Read more about Molly's journey as a writer and view her original western landscape artwork, at http://www.mollygloss.com.
Buy a Signed Copy of The Hearts of Horses - $13.95