 Dream Big with A Book For All Seasons this 4th of July
 If you loved Water For Elephants, don't miss Hannah's Dream,
an elephant of a tale! Diane Hammond, author of Hannah's Dream, comes to A Book For All Seasons, July 4, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
An Indie Next Notable Pick, Hannah's Dream is a beautifully told tale rich in heart, humor and intelligence. After forty-one years together, Sam knows Hannah the elephant as well as he knows anyone. Sam is aging and his health is failing, but he has vowed not to retire until an equally devoted caretaker is found to replace him. Enter Neva, who quickly discovers what Sam already knows: that despite their loving care, Hannah is isolated, lonely, and her feet are nearly ruined from standing on hard concerte all day. Neva and Sam hatch a plan to send Hannah to an elephant sanctuary - just as the zoo's implacable director launches an aggressive marketing campaign spotlighting Hannah as the zoo's star attraction.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Hannah's Dream - $13.95
Because actually (Shh! Not too loud!) books are fun!
Join us for youth writing workshops, exciting kids' literary activities, the opportunity for kids to read to a specially-trained dog, and more! Parents and teachers will want to come too!
Put Wenatchee-Wednesday and Leavenworth-Locals-Thursday on your summer calendar.
It's all fun, fabulous, and FREE!
 TGIF! rocks on all summer long.
 Q: Where are the cool people in Leavenworth on Friday night?
A: At the LIBRARY, of course - meeting an acclaimed author!
Q: What if I can't make it Friday night?
A: Take advantage of Second Chance Saturday, when our authors sign books at A Book For All Seasons and love to converse with thoughtful readers - no purchase necessary!
 Adventure, Mysticism and Romance in the Teanaway Mountains!
Join Terry Bigelow, author of Spirit Warrior of Teanaway, at his book signing. A Book For All Seasons, Saturday July 11th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
In this innovative blend of adventure, romance, history, page-turning thrills, and ancient tradition, yesterday and today collide in an explosion of contradictory events. An ancient Indian prophecy is finally fulfilled, unleashing a chain of events impossible to explain.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Spirit Warrior of Teanaway - $14.00
 High stakes Medical Drama!
 Carol Cassella brings best-selling Oxygen to her book signing at A Book For All Seasons, Sunday July 12, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
Written by a real-life anesthesiologist, this riveting national best-seller and 2008 Indie Next selection is a story of intimate family relationships colliding with an explosive, high stakes medical drama. A nightmarish operating room disaster and the ensuing legal morass, together with the quieter crisis of her aging father's slide into dependence, force a doctor to confront the choices she has made along life's path, including whom to love, whom to trust, and what ultimately matters. Voted one of the year's best novels by Library Journal.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Oxygen - $25.00
 Read the Weather with atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass
Join U.W. scientist Cliff Mass at Barn Beach Reserve Friday, July 31, 7:00 - 9:00 PM for a presentation de-mystifying the weather. You can also engage Cliff in informal conversation at his book signing Saturday Aug 1, 1:00 - 3:00 PM at A Book For All Seasons.
University of Washington atmospheric scientist and popular radio commentator Cliff Mass will unravel the intricacies of Northwest weather for us, from the mundane to the mystifying. The Pacific Northwest experiences the most varied and fascinating weather in the United States, including world-record winter snows, the strongest non-tropical storms in the nation, and shifts from desert to rain forest in a matter of miles. Cliff Mass' best-selling book The Weather of the Pacific Northwest is the first comprehensive and authoritative guide to Northwest weather that is directed to the general reader - helpful to boaters, hikers, and skiers and also valuable to expert meteorologists.
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Weather of the Pacific Northwest - $29.95
ABFAS Top 10 June Best-Sellers...
2010 Moleskine Planners are here!
 Moleskine, the legendary notebook of Hemingway, Picasso and Chatwin, makes the ideal planner for people on the move. Pocket-sized and elegant in classic black or red. Choose from a daily, weekly or panoramic planner to match your moleskine address book and note books.
Learning Resources at A Book For All Seasons!
 Are you keeping learning fresh this summer, helping your child be ready to hit the ground running when school starts in the fall?
Homeschooling parents and others will enjoy the wide variety of pre-K to grade 6 study materials at A Book For All Seasons.
Make Yourself and the Planet Beautiful!
- What do
- colorful, dangling Zimbabwean earrings,
- deftly twirled copper bicycle pins from Kenya,
- and vibrant fused glass earrings from Chile
- have in common?
They're gorgeous, they're affordable, they're RECYCLED, they're fair trade, and they're waiting for you at A Book For All Seasons.
What Are Leavenworth's Knitters Reading?
Linda Smyth, proprietor of the cheery Wooly Bully yarn shop, is reading two favorite books right now: so with a knitter's ambidextrous even-handedness, she wanted to tell you about both.
"I love Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day," Linda said. "Oh my gosh, this is the best bread ever. It's a fantastic reference. They've experimented to figure out just the essential steps to bread making. There's a lot we think we have to do that we can actually leave out. This book shows you how to make perfect bread in the least amount of time. And you know," she said with a happy sigh, "I really love good bread."
Linda is also reading (with a slice of hot, buttered bread in her hand, no doubt) A World Lit Only By Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of An Age. "If you're a history fan, like I am," she said, "you'll find this fascinating. It's about a time of great social change: the plagues have just ended, and printing presses are spreading information in a whole new way. But who was reading, and what, and how often? It's really interesting trying to get into the mind-set of people of that time. There are some thought-provoking parallels to today."
Buy Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day - $27.95 by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François.
Buy A World Lit Only By Fire - $15.99 by William Manchester.
 Lisi Ott, whose gorgeous knitted creations are straight off the llama, is reading Shapeshifting: Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation, by John Perkins. Perkins, better known for his best-selling Confessions of An Economic Hit Man, wrote Shapeshifting about his experiences among the indigenous South American Shuar, where John learned to integrate modern and ancient techniques to bring about profound healing. "I feel like what he's saying directly relates to me," said Lisi. "We can address our problems today only by viewing them from a totally different paradigm. What we are doing now is not working. We have to shift our consciousness. By studying successful Shamanistic cultures, John has determined what we need to do to break out of our present difficulties. I like this book! It's hopeful and exciting. If forces you to consider things in a whole new way, and gives you the tools to do that." Look for Lisi, and the knitted art of Lisi and her Purple Crayon llamas, at the Tuesday morning farmer's market. Lisi has about seven more related books she can't wait to tell you about!
Buy Shapeshifting - $12.95 by John Perkins.
Buy Confessions of An Economic Hitman - $15.00 by John Perkins.

Your friends are bringing their Reading Challenge Maps back to the bookstore … are YOU?
Cascade District Students!
Come by the bookstore today for your map to adventure,
your free entry to A Book For All Season's
Should you complete this quest, you'll gain entry to a fabulous end-of-summer party with author Kenn Nesbitt, with games, refreshments, a free book, literary activities, and more!