 Soak Up Super Summer Reads!
ABFAS kicks off a splendid summer of reading! Join us June 7 to shake hands and visit with three fabulous authors: Kaya McLaren, Jennie Shortridge, and Sheila Roberts. And yes, in true ABFAS "Book Buzz" tradition, we'll have a drawing for exciting prizes.
 Kaya McLaren, author of Church of the Dog and On the Divinity of Second Chances says: "When the good times roll around, drink it up, soak it up, whatever strengthens you... All of us get pinned to the mat in one way or another. How we pick ourselves up when we get pinned to the mat — that's what inspires me. That's what all my books are about in one way or another: second chances, turning points... [and] how much courage it takes to live big and to love big."
 "For the upcoming summer reading season, a perfect choice comes in the form of Jennie Shortridge's third novel, Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe. Shortridge creates a warm-hearted story, reminding the reader that it's never too late to rediscover yourself," says Rebecca Thomas (The Electric Review).
 In Love In Bloom, Sheila Roberts "writes compellingly about the issues faced by three women in different stages of life," says Booklist. "Sheila Roberts makes me laugh. I read her books and come away inspired, hopeful, and happy," says Debbie Macomber, New York Times Best Selling Author. Sheila's "characters are warm and engaging, and their interactions are full of humor," says Romantic Times Book Reviews.
ABFAS feels so fortunate to have these three best-selling authors together in one place! Join us for this fabulous opportunity.
Learn More...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of On the Divinity of Second Chances - $14.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe - $14.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Love In Bloom - $13.95
 TGIF! The library on Friday nights - all right!
Q: Where's a great place to spend Friday nights in Leavenworth?
A: TGIF at the LIBRARY, of course - in intimate conversation with an acclaimed author!
Q: But what if I can't make it Friday nights?
A: Take advantage of Second Chance Saturday, when our authors sign books at A Book For All Seasons and love to converse with thoughtful readers - no purchase necessary!
Click here for the full schedule...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Pale Surface of Things by Janey Bennett - $21.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister - $24.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Geography of Love - paperback by Glenda Burgess - $14.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Geography of Love - hardback by Glenda Burgess - $22.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of A Better View of Paradise by Randy Sue Coburn - $25.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Owl Island by Randy Sue Coburn - $7.99
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Heart of Ice by Gregg Olsen - $6.99
Nine great events for a fun-filled summer. Because actually (Shh! Not too loud!) BOOKS ARE FUN!
Put Wenatchee-Wednesday and Leavenworth-Locals-Thursday on your kid's calendar this summer. (Parents and teachers will want to come too!)
Q: What do these things have in common?
- A start-your-writing-career workshop aimed especially at kid writers.
- A struggling reader cuddled up reading to a friendly dog.
- Sharing spiritual traditions from all around the globe with children.
- Your child engaging with the author-creator of fairies, gnomes, evil queens and daring journeys.
- They are free!
- They are family!
- They are fun!
- They are coming to town all summer long for YOU!
Join ABFAS, your libraries, and "Reading With Rover" volunteers; invite a child into the world of books this summer!
Click here to see the full schedule...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Ann Drew Jackson by Joan Clark - $17.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Jackson whole Wyoming by Joan Clark - $16.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Running for My Life by Ann Gonzalez - $16.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Harmony by Sarah Conover - $19.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Kindness by Sarah Conover - $19.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Ayat Jamilah by Sarah Conover - $19.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of In the Shadow of the Mammoth by Patricia Clark - $14.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox - $16.95
Buy a SIGNED Copy of The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb - $17.00
 Direct your tired dogs to A Book For All Seasons.
Celebrate A Dog Day of Summer with us.
Pet a pooch and gather doggie wisdom Sunday June 21, 1:00 - 3:00 pm at A Book For All Seasons' Dog Day of Summer Celebration.

- June Cotner, author of the lovely compilation Dog Blessings: Poems, Prose, and Prayers Celebrating Our Relationship with Dogs,
- Jane Goodall 'Goody' Beagle and her human scribe, Kim Pearson, co-authors of A Dog Park Diary, a hilarious view of the lows of high dog society,
- Kari Youkey, your down-to-earth doggie counselor for when Fido won't do right-o,
- the Humane Society, who'll have some cuties here you just might end up taking home.
Click here for details...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Dog Blessings: - $16.00
Buy a SIGNED Copy of A Dog Park Diary - $17.95
 Dream Big with A Book For All Seasons this 4th of July
 If you loved Water For Elephants, don't miss Hannah's Dream,
an elephant of a tale! Diane Hammond, author of Hannah's Dream, comes to A Book For All Seasons, July 4, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
An Indie Next Notable Pick, Hannah's Dream is a beautifully told tale rich in heart, humor and intelligence. After forty-one years together, Sam knows Hannah the elephant as well as he knows anyone. Sam is aging and his health is failing, but he has vowed not to retire until an equally devoted caretaker is found to replace him. Enter Neva, who quickly discovers what Sam already knows: that despite their loving care, Hannah is isolated, lonely, and her feet are nearly ruined from standing on hard concerte all day. Neva and Sam hatch a plan to send Hannah to an elephant sanctuary - just as the zoo's implacable director launches an aggressive marketing campaign spotlighting Hannah as the zoo's star attraction.
Learn More...
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Hannah's Dream - $13.95
ABFAS Top 10 May Best-Sellers...
 Wizard Card Game: The Ultimate Game of Trump!
It's like Hearts and Whist - with a twist!
Winner of Games Magazine's Games 100, Wizards is the ultimate trump game—and a great deal.
Read more... | Buy Wizard Card Game - $8.00
 Duo doubles the fun of Uno!
A 1995 Mensa Select Award Winner, and winner of Games 100 Best Games,
Duo Card Game is double the fun and double the challenge of playing Uno.
Read more... | Buy Duo Card Game - $8.00
 Continuo Card Game: a Mensa Select game!
"Simply brilliant ... brilliantly simple" — Omar Sharif
As solitaire, an absorbing, mind-building answer to "Mom, I'm bored!" As a family or couples game, good challenging fun!
Read more... | Buy Continuo Card Game - $10.00
 Tickle Monster: Share the Gift of Laughter with Your Child!
A loveable monster with big puffy mitts has just flown in from Planet Tickle. His mission is to bring joy and laughter to planet Earth. Get ready to read aloud and tickle along with this wonderful little rascal, while your children squirm and giggle with delight.
Buy Tickle Monster - $16.95
Buy Tickle Monster mitts - $14.95

Broaden your Horizons by READING this Summer!
Cascade District Students!
Come by the bookstore today for your map to adventure,
your free entry to A Book For All Season's
Should you complete this quest, you'll gain entry to a fabulous end-of-summer party with author Kenn Nesbitt, with games, refreshments, a free book, literary activities, and more!
Click here to gain entry ...
Because ABFAS loves Leavenworth, we support LIFE2.
ABFAS is part of Leavenworth Local's Thursday!
A Book For All Seasons honors LIFE2's mission to promote and sustainably nurture Leavenworth. We're participating in Locals Thursday, offering our free Readerkidz series Thursdays at the Leavenworth library. |
Get the full Readerkidz schedule here ...
Splish Splash!
What are Leavenworth's kayaker's reading?
Eric Link, kayaker, videographer, orchardist, lamb-grower, cheesemaker, and now a Thursday Farmer's Market kahuna, is the kind of guy who will break his back at his work - literally! Stop by the Thursday Market to ask him the story sometime, and to compare favorite books.
 The Deltora Quest has Eric and his son Otto hooked right now. In fact, when Otto fell asleep, Eric stayed up reading to the end of the book — it was such a page-turner, he just had to find out what happened next! With over fifteen books in three series, Emily Rodda's award-winning Deltora adventures are widely praised for their intriguing riddles and codes, fast pace, and epic setting. In a society where leisure and lethargy allowed a corrupt few to seize power, three very different children — the son of a valiant king, the son of a grayguard (the villian's henchmen), and Jasmine, a wild child from the Forests of Silence — work together to recover scattered jewels from a magical belt to restore their homeland. What more could you want, says Eric, than something so fun to read you're almost pulling it out of your child's hand ... while it also raises realistic, compelling, ethical dilemmas?
The Forests of Silence, Book one of The Deltora Quest Series - $5.99
The Deltora Quest Series I - the first eight books in one hardbound volume - $19.99
 Adam McKinney of Leavenworth Mountain Sports was busy with ergonomic paddles when we called, so his ebullient half, Cheryl, filled us in on what the two just started reading: War and Peace. Really. Because Anna Karenina was so much fun. Hey, said Cheryl, guess why these things are classics - they're FUN to read! (Once you get past all those Russian names.) Passionate, heart-breaking, yet inspiring, Anna Karenina describes an entire society, where both men and women struggle to reconcile their hearts with their constraints, and there are no simple choices, no paths that do not bend.
Groundbreaking Anna Karenina, considered by many to be the first modernist novel, was judged "the greatest novel ever written" in a 2007 Time magazine poll of writers. Teddy Roosevelt and Oprah Winfrey are among the public figures to discuss Anna Karenina (no, not with each other); Tipper and Al Gore named a daughter (Karenna) for her. The Anna Karenina principle, that no one factor guarantees success but many guarantee failure, is based on ... which famous quote from Anna Karenina? Can you really stand to still be one of the few who doesn't know?
Buy Anna Karenina - $17.00

Recycle Your Books With ABFAS Re-use, Re-read, Rejoice!
A Book For All Seasons would be delighted to help you recycle your beloved books. Do you need to make a little space on your book-shelf — for your new summer reads? We welcome gently used books, especially fiction, children's, biography, and current non-fiction. Receive in-store credit for your books, good on any book or product we carry! And thanks for being gentle with our planet.
Phone us at 548-145 for more information.