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Fri, Apr 20 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
Spend an evening Among Penguins with premier birder and wildlife adventurer Noah Strycker. (Presentation) |
Sat, Apr 21 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Noah Strycker autographs Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica. (Book-signing) |
 The year he graduated from college, 22-year-old Noah Strycker was dropped by helicopter in a remote Antarctic field camp with two bird scientists and a three months' supply of frozen food. His subjects: more than a quarter million penguins.
With wit, curiosity, and a deep knowledge of his subject, Strycker recounts the reality of life at the end of the Earth—thousand-year-old penguin mummies, hurricane-force blizzards, and day-to-day existence in below freezing temperatures—and delves deep into a world of science, obsession, and birds. Among Penguins weaves a captivating tale of penguins and their researchers on the coldest, driest, highest, and windiest continent on Earth.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica - $19.95
Fri, May 11 7:00 - 8:00 PM Leavenworth Library Free |
TGIF: Breaking the Code: You Can Write Your Family History. A presentation by Karen Fisher-Alaniz (Presentation) |
Sat, May 12 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Karen Fisher-Alaniz joins other authors for our Book Buzz: meet authors, win prizes! |
 Karen says: "Everyone has a story and every story matters. I can't tell you how many times someone has told me a bit about their loved one and then said, 'They're gone now. I wish I'd written those stories down.' We're waiting for the perfect time—when the kids are grown or when life isn't so crazy. But time can run out and for some, their stories will be gone forever. I like to say of family history writing, 'If not you, who? If not now, when?'"
Karen Fisher-Alaniz was propelled into her own project when, on his 81st birthday, without explanation, her father placed two weathered notebooks on her lap. Thus began an amazing, sometimes difficult, yet ultimately healing journey—one taken by a father and daughter who thought they knew each other—as they became newly bound in ways that transcended age and time.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Breaking the Code: A Father's Secret, a Daughter's Journey, and the Question That Changed Everything - $14.99
Sat, May 12 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Book Buzz: Meet authors, win prizes! |
Join authors Lanette (Bernice) Taylor, Betty Wilsey, Jerry Smith, and Karen Fisher-Alaniz and illustrator Herb Leonhard. Discover: heart-warming romance; true tales from small-town Stehekin in the 1950's; Washington's ghost towns and historic mines; a father's secret and the question that changed everything; and humorous picture books for young word-lovers.
  Glacier Valley, a heartwarming and inspirational romance by Lanette (Bernice) Taylor. Seated across the aisle, Keely tried ignoring the handsome stranger but fought a sense of warmth. Was it possible he was not a stranger? All those years ago, the wounded soldier and the pretty young nurse never saw each others' faces—but he still remembered her voice.
  In Boom Towns & Relic Hunters of Washington State: Exploring Washington's Historic Ghost Towns & Mining Camps, Jerry Smith shows you the way to some of Washington's most picturesque abandoned sites whose yesteryears were as colorful as they were lively. Walk in the footsteps of adventurers who sought their fortunes in the dark and explosive atmosphere of black powder and candlelight. Visit northeastern Washington, step into history, and dig into the past.
  A Handshake & a Thousand Dollars, Betty Wilsey's memoir of growing up in Stehekin, is packed with stories, photos, and even recipes: from squirrel stew (I hope you have bear grease on hand) to sour cream pie. Enjoy the story of four generations in Stehekin from the fifties through the eighties, as Betty grows up, marries her high school sweetheart, and raises a family.
  In Breaking the Code, Karen Fisher-Alaniz shares how she discovered, on her father's 81st birthday, the secret role her father had played in WWII. This story of an adult child learning to understand a parent she thought she knew is simple, unpretentious, and commendable, breaking the silence surrounding PTSD. "Whether the veteran returned from war sixty years ago or six days ago," she writes, "one thing remains constant: it's time for us to talk and to listen." Karen shares tips to help you get your own story on paper. "Everyone has a story and every story matters," she says.
  Award-winning children's illustrator Herb Leonhard shares two fabulous children's picture books: A is for Alliguitar, brimming with delightfully zany musical alphabeasts; and I Know A Librarian Who Chewed On A Word, the story of a librarian who just might love words too much—is that possible?
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Glacier Valley - $27.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Boom Towns & Relic Hunters of Washington State: Exploring Washington's Historic Ghost Towns & Mining Camps - $38.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of A Handshake & a Thousand Dollars - $22.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Breaking the Code: A Father's Secret, a Daughter's Journey, and the Question That Changed Everything - $14.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of A is for Alliguitar - $16.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of I Know A Librarian Who Chewed On A Word - $16.99
Fri, May 18 6:00 - 8:30 PM Tierra Learning & Retreat Center Free |
Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle with author Thor Hanson (Presentation; Book-signing Follows) |
 Feathers are an evolutionary marvel: aerodynamic, insulating, beguiling. What are feathers? How did they evolve? What do they mean to us? In Feathers, biologist Thor Hanson integrates the research of paleontologists, ornithologists, biologists, engineers, and even art historians into a sweeping natural history, showing how feathers have been used to fly, protect, attract, and adorn—across centuries and across the globe.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle - $25.99
Sat, May 19 - 20 in Wenatchee |
Write On The River - Twelve workshops, award-winning authors and fuel to keep your writing fire alive. Join us on the banks of the mighty Columbia and keep the words flowing. |
 Write On The River is North Central Washington's only writing conference. Two days of content-packed workshops with professional editors, successful agents, bestselling authors and nationally-acclaimed speakers, Write On The River is the best way to hone your craft, build your dream and move your writing forward.
Whether your goal is to be a published author, write articles for a local magazine, develop your poetry, or simply write for your own enjoyment, Write On The River has something for you.
Learn more at
Sun, May 20 1:30 - 3:00 PM Wenatchee Library Free |
Jonathan Evison's historical epic, West of Here (Presentation) |
 The wilderness, the history, and the people of Washington blaze into life in West of Here, the newest release from Jonathan Evison, winner of the Washington State Book Award for All About Lulu.
From the rugged mudflats of the northwestern frontier, to a rusting strip mall cornucopia, West of Here is a conversation between two epochs, one rushing blindly toward the future, and the other struggling to undo the damage of the past. In the mythic town of Point Bonita, 19th-century settlers set out to build a dam, and one hundred years later their descendants want to demolish it to bring back fish runs. An epic western adventure wrapped in the history of one small town, West of Here is a daring, gorgeously structured and deeply satisfying expedition of a novel.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of West of Here - $15.95
ABFAS March Top 10 Best-Sellers...
 Quiet Book/ Loud Book Doll Trio
Our sweet trio of dolls makes the perfect gift for new parents, or for little children who need a few snuggly friends to take along when it's time to go to sleep. You'll also find these animals on the pages of award-winning The Quiet Book and The Loud Book! which explore, with charm and humor, the quiet and loud moments that fill a child's day.
Click here to learn more...

Leavenworth's Earth Day Fair — Every Year Gets Better and Better
If you've joined us the last few years you already know—Earth Day happiness in Leavenworth's park is great fun! Sunshine (guaranteed, of course), live acoustic music, drumming, dancing, hoola hoops, garden starts, electric cars, kids playing on the grass, laughing, food, fun, farmers, and friends.
The theme of this year's Earth Day is: "Many Hands, Many Voices, One Community." This year's focus is on how volunteers can help local organizations promote environmental, economic and social sustainability of the community.
The Fair will feature music, food, a Health Fair, a Farmers Market Showcase, a wide variety of booths, displays, hands-on activities and fun for the whole family. The Farmers Market will showcase greens, fruit, plant starts, asparagus and sheep-milk cheeses.
There's always something new and unexpected at Leavenworth's Earth Day Celebration. So ... we'll see you there!
At Lion's Club Park, next to City Hall, April 22, 2012, from noon to 4 pm. See the good folks at Barn Beach Reserve for more info:
Festivities are thanks to 'LIFE2 For a More Sustainable Leavenworth,' a program of Wenatchee River Institute at Barn Beach Reserve.
What's New? What's Hot Off The Press? What's Just Been Released?
Fiction |
Non-Fiction |
Young Adult |
Early Grades & Picture Books |
 Restless in the Grave (Kate Shugak Mysteries) by Dana Stabenow $25.99
New York Times bestseller Dana Stabenow returns, teaming up two of her most beloved characters, Aleut private investigator Kate Shugak and Alaska state trooper Liam Campbell, in the same story for the first time.
Alaska aviation entrepreneur Finn Grant died in the fiery crash of his Piper Super Cub. Someone sabotaged his engine, and virtually everyone in southwestern Alaska has a motive, including his betrayed wife, his bullied children, and Liam's wife, bush pilot Wyanet Chouinard. With few places to turn, Liam asks his former mentor Niniltna post commander Sergeant Jim Chopin, for help, and Jim quickly brings Kate onto the case.
Working undercover as—of all things—a waitress at Bills Bar and Grill, Kate learns over beer and burgers that Grant's business had expanded meteorically over the last two years. After buying the closed Air Force base south of town from the federal government at a bargain-basement price, he became a fixed-base operator running his fishing, hunting, and flight-seeing business, servicing planes flying through the area, and most interestingly and lucratively, getting into the air freight business. But what kind of freight was he moving, and where?
The answers involve Kate in her most challenging case to date, one that starts with murder and quickly sprawls into a much larger conspiracy ranging from the darkest family secrets to treason and beyond. Restless in the Grave is a treat for fans and another outstanding addition to Dana Stabenow's acclaimed and award-winning series.
"Finn Grant's death in the crash of his small plane in an apparent act of sabotage raises the question: who would want the self-made billionaire dead? About half the population of southwest Alaska, as Kate Shugak discovers when she goes undercover as a barmaid in bestseller Stabenow's entertaining 19th novel featuring the brash, fearless PI (after 2011's Though Not Dead). Kate's shrewd and ceaseless prying reveals that the unsavory Grant was involved in blackmail, mail fraud, and embezzlement, all connected to Alaska's many small airlines. Kate has a casual approach to evidence gathering, and her skill at breaking and entering finds her eventually thrown into a chest freezer, tossed into a Dumpster, and locked inside a freight container while her stalwart and highly intelligent companion, Mutt, who's half-wolf, half-husky, provides assistance... sparkles with energy and wit, and packs an unexpected punch." — Publishers Weekly
Dana Stabenow, New York Times bestseller and Edgar Award winner, is the author of eighteen previous Kate Shugak novels, four Liam Campbell mysteries, three science-fiction novels, and two thrillers. She was born, raised, and lives in Alaska, where she was awarded the Governors Award for the Humanities.
 Buy Restless in the Grave (Kate Shugak Mysteries) by Dana Stabenow - $25.99
 American Boy By Larry Watson $24.00
We were exposed to these phenomena in order that we might learn something, but of course the lessons we learn are not always those we are taught . . .
So begins Matthew Garth's story of the fall of 1962, when the shooting of a young woman on Thanksgiving Day sets off a chain of unsettling events in Willow Falls, Minnesota. Matthew first sees Louisa Lindahl in Dr. Dunbar's home office, and at the time her bullet wound makes nearly as strong an impression as her unclothed body. Fueled over the following weeks by his feverish longing for this mysterious woman—as well as by a deep desire for the comfort and affluence that appears to surround the Dunbars—Matthew finds himself drawn into a series of confrontations he never expected, the results of which will change his life irrevocably and give the lie to his version of the American dream.
Immersive, heartbreaking, and richly evocative of time and place, this long-awaited new novel marks the return of a great American storyteller.
"Watson's new novel about a young man's coming-of-age in rural Minnesota during the early '60s never veers off course. Working-class narrator Matthew Garth has always been treated well by ... Dr. Dunbar... [Dr. Dunbar's] wealth and commanding presence position him as a leader to some, but to others—including Matt's mother—he remains an ostentatious outsider. [Dr. Dunbar] treats Louisa... a young woman shot ... [who] stays on to live and work with the [Dunbar] family. Matt develops an infatuation for Louisa, but her own plans... lead to explosive changes" — Publishers Weekly
Buy American Boy By Larry Watson - $24.00
 The Man Who Quit Money by Mark Sundeen $15.00
In 2000, Daniel Suelo left his life savings—all thirty dollars of it—in a phone booth. For the twelve years since, he has not earned, received, or spent, a single dollar. He has lived without money—and with a newfound sense of freedom and security.
The Man Who Quit Money is an account of how one man learned to live, sanely and happily, without earning, receiving, or spending a single cent. Suelo doesn't pay taxes, or accept food stamps or welfare. He lives in a caves in the Utah canyonlands, forages wild foods and gourmet discards. He no longer even carries an I.D. Yet he manages to amply fulfill not only the basic human needs—for shelter, food, and warmth—but, to an enviable degree, the universal desires for companionship, purpose, and spiritual engagement. He often works, but never accepts money in return. At times he is fed by friends or strangers. In retracing the surprising path and guiding philosophy that led Suelo into this way of life, Sundeen raises provocative and riveting questions about the decisions we all make, by default or by design, about how we live—and how we might live better.
A Walden for the 21st century: the true story of a man who has radically reinvented "the good life."
Mark Sundeen's work has appeared in The New York Times, Outside, National Geographic Adventure, and The Believer. He is the author of Car Camping and The Making of Toro, and co-author of the New York Times bestselling North by Northwestern. He lives in Montana and Utah. Learn more at:
 Buy The Man Who Quit Money by Mark Sundeen - $15.00
 Tales from the Sustainable Underground: A Wild Journey with People Who Care More about the Planet Than the Law By Stephen Hren $17.95
A joyous romp through the fringes of sustainability. Activists striving for social change may find their innovative ideas run afoul of antiquated laws and regulations. Tales From the Sustainable Underground is packed with the stories of some of these pioneers who care more for the planet than the rules, whether they're engaged in natural building, permaculture, community development, or ecologically based art.
Ride along and meet courageous and inspiring individuals such as: Solar guru Ed Eaton; radical urban permaculturists Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew; and artist, eco-architect, and intuitive builder Matt Bua.
Equally entertaining and informative, the profiles in this highly original book provide a unique lens through which to view deeper questions about the societal structures that are preventing us from attaining a more sustainable world. By examining such issues as the nature of property rights and the function of art in society, the author raises profound questions about how our social attitudes and mores have contributed to our current destructive paradigm.
Tales From the Sustainable Underground is a must-read for sustainability activists in any field, or for anyone who wants to learn about more radical forms of sustainability activities in an entertaining way.
Stephen Hren is a restoration carpenter, builder and teacher who specializes in sustainable design and passive and active solar heating technologies. He was inspired to write about those who "seek forgiveness rather than asking permission" after his off-grid cob home came to the attention of the local tax assessor, triggering a lengthy and painstaking after-the-fact inspection process. Along the way Stephen has helped to start a local food co-op and an edible landscaping collective, and retrofitted an existing home to not use any fossil fuels. He is the co-author of The Carbon-Free Home and A Solar Buyer's Guide for the Home and Office.
 Buy Tales from the Sustainable Underground: A Wild Journey with People Who Care More about the Planet Than the Law By Stephen Hren - $17.95
Young Adult
 Dead End in Norvelt By Jack Gantos $15.99 Recommended for ages 10-14
Dead End in Norvelt is the winner of the 2012 Newbery Medal for the year's best contribution to children's literature and the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction.
Melding the entirely true and the wildly fictional, Dead End in Norvelt is a novel about an incredible two months for a kid named Jack Gantos, whose plans for vacation excitement are shot down when he is "grounded for life" by his feuding parents, and whose nose spews blood at every little shock he gets. But plenty of excitement (and shocks) are coming Jack's way once his mom loans him out to help a fiesty old neighbor with a most unusual chore. Jack is launched on a strange adventure involving molten wax, Eleanor Roosevelt, twisted promises, a homemade airplane, Girl Scout cookies, a man on a trike, a dancing plague, voices from the past, Hells Angels . . . and possibly murder.
Endlessly surprising, this sly, sharp-edged narrative is the author at his very best, making readers laugh out loud at the most unexpected things in a dead-funny depiction of growing up in a slightly off-kilter place where the past is present, the present is confusing, and the future is completely up in the air.
"A bit of autobiography works its way into all of Gantos's work, but he one-ups himself in this wildly entertaining meld of truth and fiction by naming the main character... Jackie Gantos. Like the author, Jackie lives for a time in Norvelt, a real Pennsylvania town created during the Great Depression and based on the socialist idea of community farming. Presumably (hopefully?) the truth mostly ends there, because Jackie's summer of 1962 begins badly... Gradually, Jackie learns to face death and his fears straight on while absorbing Miss Volker's theories about the importance of knowing history. 'The reason you remind yourself of the stupid stuff you've done in the past is so you don't do it again.' Memorable in every way." — Publishers Weekly Starred Review
Jack Gantos is the 2010 ALAN award winner for his outstanding contributions to the field of adolescent literature. He is the author of Joey Pigza Loses Control, a Newbery Honor book, and Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, a National Book Award Finalist. He lives with his family in Boston. Visit him online at
 Buy Dead End in Norvelt By Jack Gantos - $15.99
Young Adult
 Girl, Stolen By April Henry $16.99 Recommended for ages 12-17
Sixteen-year-old Cheyenne Wilder is sleeping in the back of a car while her mom fills her prescription for antibiotics. Before Cheyenne realizes what's happening, their car is being stolen. Griffin hadn't meant to kidnap Cheyenne, but once his dad finds out that Cheyenne's father is the president of a powerful corporation, everything changes—now there's a reason to keep her. How will Cheyenne survive this nightmare? Because she's not only sick with pneumonia—she's also blind.
"A unique and clever premise. Cheyenne has to be one of the most resourceful heroines in recent memory." — Todd Strasser, bestselling author of Wish You Were Dead
"[A] can't-put-it-down crime thriller ... constantly interesting and suspenseful." — Kirkus Reviews
"Page-turning suspense with a clever heroine who meets up with bad luck, bad men, a bad dog, bad weather, bad health, and has to face them all without seeing them. A nail-biter." — Gail Giles, best-selling author of What Happened to Cass McBride
April Henry is the New York Times bestselling author of many acclaimed mysteries for adults and young adults, including the YA novel The Night She Disappeared and the thriller Face of Betrayal, co-authored with Lis Wiehl. She lives in Oregon.
 Buy Girl, Stolen By April Henry - $16.99
Early Grades and Picture Books
 Questions, Questions By Marcus Pfister $16.95
How do birds learn how to sing? What brings summer after spring?
What turns the leaves from green to brown and sends them floating gently down?
In thirteen engaging couplets, Marcus Pfister opens children's eyes to the wondrous mysteries all around them.
"In an age when infinite answers are available in an instant, maybe the questions we ask are what matter most. 'There's so much that I want to know,' writes Pfister, and in 13 short couplets he shows readers how questioning is a genuinely creative act — a way of being fully engaged in the world. His verses are by turns fanciful ('Do apple seeds dream happily/ of growing up to be a tree?'), scientifically minded ('What turns the leaves from green to brown/ and sends them floating gently down?'), and even faith-based ('Who teaches butterflies to fly,/ splashing their colors through the sky?'). In a departure from his Rainbow Fish series, Pfister has created images as pithy as they are poignant, boldly graphic and dramatically cropped against white backgrounds. A blue-headed songbird is reminiscent of Asian watercolor; a storm cloud looks like it's been fashioned from salt dough; falling leaves seem cut from pieces of thickly tufted carpet. Although each was created using the same painted paper method (explained on the final page), the results are as varied as the questions." — Publishers Weekly
This is Marcus Pfister's 50th book for children. From Penguin Pete to Hopper the bunny to Bertie the young hippo to the international celebrity Rainbow Fish, his characters have charmed children and their caregivers the world around. For Marcus, "a good book acts as a bridge between a child and an adult, sparking lots of questions, and expanding the imagination of the child." Marcus Pfister lives in Berne, Switzerland.
 Buy Questions, Questions By Marcus Pfister - $16.95
Early Grades and Picture Books
 The Quiet Book By Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska $12.95
There are many kinds of quiet: Quiet can be delicate. Quiet can be thundering! Quiet can be sweet, and cozy, and can most definitely help you fall asleep. With kid-centric descriptions and irresistible artwork, this gentle picture book explores all the different quiets that can fill a child's days from morning to night.
This delightful book has been showered with awards including: ALA Notable Children's Book, New York Times bestseller, CCBC Choices, NCTE Notable Children's Trade Book, New York Times Notable Book, Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, and School Library Journal Best Book of the Year.
"this treasure of a book—which is appropriately gentle in both its understated text and artwork—catalogues many sorts of quiet that readers will recognize instantly. Some are lovely ('First one awake quiet'; 'Lollipop quiet'); some less so ('First look at your new hairstyle quiet'); and some are out-and-out problems ('Thinking of a good reason you were drawing on the wall quiet'). Throughout, Liwska's subtly engaging illustrations, single-page vignettes in muted rusts, greens, and browns, imagine a community of young, delicately furred animals who ably reflect the emotions that each type of quiet elicits. A young moose's antlers peek provocatively from behind a swiveling office chair ('Hide-and-seek quiet'); a bear holds its paw over its eyes as a nurse prepares a hypodermic ('Pretending you're invisible quiet'); and an owl looks upwards with awe and clasps its wing to its chest ('First snowfall quiet'). Underwood's taxonomy of quiet will evoke soft smiles from listeners who are getting ready for 'bedtime kiss' quiet (and possibly, even later, for 'What flashlight?' quiet)." — Publishers Weekly
"This gentle picture book subtly explores the many different kinds of quiet....A delightful and enchanting choice for storytime or sharing one-on-one." — School Library Journal starred review
"The most moving scenes leave space for imagining. 'Best friends don't need to talk,' for example, is illustrated with a blissful scene of togetherness that children will relate to their own lives." — Booklist
"This gallery of quietude works for bedtime or calming down while also acknowledging that some quiet moods are less than happy...The final sequence—a nighttime car ride in the snow, peaceful steps to bedtime—makes a comforting end. Liwska colors her finely hatched pencil drawings with low-value, low-intensity hues, matching the theme of low aural volume with a muted but detailed visual quality that invites a close look. Soothing and layered." — Kirkus Review
Author Deborah Underwood has written many books for children. She lives in San Francisco and loves "cat sleeping on your stomach quiet" and "smelling lilacs quiet." Visit her online at Illustrator Renata Liwska lives and works in Calgary, Canada, with her illustrator husband, Mike. Her childhood memories are of growing up in Warsaw, Poland. Drawing a picture book quiet is Renata Liwska's favorite kind of quiet. Renata's previous picture books includes Little Panda.
Click here to see three lovely plush snuggly "Quiet Book" animals perfect for snuggling down with after 'bedtime kiss' quiet.
 Buy The Quiet Book By Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska - $12.95
Early Grades and Picture Books
 The Loud Book! By Deborah Underwood $12.99
"this sequel to The Quiet Book stars the same gang of fuzzy creatures and is every bit as charming. Many of the 'louds' are found in school—there's 'WALKING-TO-SCHOOL SONG LOUD' and 'BURP DURING QUIET TIME LOUD.' Playful details abound; the bowling bear who makes a strike ('GOOD CRASH LOUD') in one panel is seen bowling on a fuzzy TV screen in the next. A father rabbit who's watching TV hears a dreadful noise in the kitchen ('BAD CRASH LOUD'); careful inspection reveals that the small rabbit sitting on top of the television is reading The Quiet Book. Liwska's artwork, as always, is noteworthy for its depth and warmth. The expressions on the faces of her animals convey community, even intimacy; they often appear to have been deep in conversation just before being interrupted by a deafening crash. Fans of the first book will be delighted to extend their bedtime reading time with the second, and they'll welcome the chance to pump up the volume." — Publishers Weekly
Click here to see three lovely, snuggly "Loud Book / Quiet Book" plush animals.
 Buy The Loud Book! By Deborah Underwood - $12.99