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Fri, Oct 21 7:00 - 8:00 PM Leavenworth Library Free |
TGIF: Best-selling Kevin O'Brien shares his latest thriller: Disturbed (Presentation) |
Sat, Oct 22 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Best-selling thriller author Kevin O'Brien joins our October book-buzz! (Book Buzz) |
 You'll be Disturbed by best-selling Kevin O'Brien's latest thriller.
Disturbed: the houses on Willow Tree Court are sleek and modern—the kind designed to harbor happy families and laughing children. No one would guess the secrets that lurk beyond the neat lawns and beautiful facades. But someone is watching Molly's family, someone consumed with rage and vengeance. On this quiet road, a nightmare has been unleashed, and the trail of terror will lead right to Molly's door.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Disturbed - $7.99
Sat, Oct 22 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
October Book Buzz: Monks, Angels, and Depraved Murderers |

Another delightfully unexpected mix of authors joins our October book-buzz. Enjoy Low Hanging Fruit, Susan Johnson's intimate and inspiring coming-of-age story set in Leavenworth, Washington. Father Koltzenburg shares The Secret Code of Monks, a scholarly and devout exploration of lives of the saints. In Year of the Angels, historical novelist Erika Madden, whose own childhood unfolded in Hitler's Germany, evokes how children create magic and hope during wartime. And New York Times best-selling thriller author Kevin O'Brien, master of the blood-curdling and page-turning, shares his latest horribly wonderful Disturbed.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Low Hanging Fruit - $14.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of The Secret Code of the Monks: Monasticism in History - $16.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Year of the Angels - $15.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of Disturbed - $7.99

Tue, Oct 25 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wenatchee Library Free |
Meet Newberry Medalist Avi, Award-winning Author of over 70 Young Adult Books (Presentation) |
 Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the Newbery Honor, the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, the Scott O'Dell Historical Fiction Award, and many other awards, Avi is a masterful storyteller in a wide variety of young adult genres, from whimsical animal tales, to gripping historical fiction. In his mid-seventies now, many of Avi's presentations are via skype, so it is an honor for Wenatchee to receive a personal visit from the author of City of Orphans, the Crispin trilogy, and other highly acclaimed works.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Crispin: the Cross of Lead - $7.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of Crispin at the Edge of the World - $6.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of Crispin: The End of Time - $6.99
Buy a SIGNED copy of City of Orphans - $16.99

Fri, Nov 4 7:00 - 8:00 PM Leavenworth Library Free |
TGIF: Sarahlee Lawrence presents award-winning River House (Presentation) |
Sat, Nov 5 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Sarahlee Lawrence shares award-winning River House at our November Book Buzz |
 Sarahlee Lawrence has run some of the most dangerous rivers of the world as an accomplished river guide. Living her dream on the wild waters led her back to the place she least expected—to her dusty beginnings on her family's remote central Oregon ranch. Her award-winning memoir River House is a beautiful story about a daughter's return and her relationship with her father, as together they brave the cold winter and build a log house by hand.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of River House - $16.95
Sat, Nov 5 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
November Book Buzz! History, memoir, past-life synchronicities, and a charming romance |

Four Fabulous Authors! Enjoy authoritative NW histories, riveting memoir, past-life synchronicities, and fresh charming romance at our November bookbuzz.
In award-winning River House by SarahLee Lawrence, breathtaking adventures on the world's wildest rivers culminate in a daughter's return to build a log house by hand with her father. Karen Estes' Plane of the Ecliptic shares an ordinary woman's extraordinary journey for meaning, into a realm where lives intertwine beyond the veil of space and time. Northwest history expert Kurt R. Nelson shares both his comprehensive 200-yr history and his latest exploration of a formative seven-year period of northwest treaty building and breaking. In Pam Stucky's charming debut, Letters from Wishing Rock, Ruby finds passion and companionship—but will she be able to open her heart to true love?
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of River House - $16.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Plane of the Ecliptic - $14.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Treaties and Treachery - $18.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Fighting for Paradise: A Military History of the Pacific Northwest - $35.00
Buy a SIGNED copy of Letters from Wishing Rock - $14.99
Fri, Nov 11 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
Dog Days, Raven Nights (Presentation) |
Sat, Nov 12 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
John and Colleen Marzluff sign Dog Days, Raven Nights |
 A young couple heads deep into backwoods Maine to try to understand ravens, ultimately following over 300 birds. Entertaining stories of tiny cabins, harsh Maine winters, raising and training sled dogs, young ravens who mud-wrestle, and more. Today John, a highly regarded wildlife ecologist, continues his research on these fascinating birds, and is the author of over 100 scientific articles and four books including In the Company of Crows and Ravens. "Fascinating and beautifully written," says The Seattle Times.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Dog Days Raven Nights - $28.00
Fri, Nov 18 7:00 - 8:00 PM Leavenworth Library Free |
Images of America: Leavenworth's History Through Photographs (Presentation) |
Sat, Nov 19 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Rose Holck signs Images of America: Leavenworth |
 Every town has a unique history—if you could only see the way it used to be, and hear the stories of the people who once lived here. Now, thanks to Rose Kinney-Holck, the Upper Valley Museum, and many interested citizens, you can.
Rose Kinney-Holck gathered and compiled Leavenworth area family and historic photos for the "Images of America" series—a series dedicated to celebrating the history of neighborhoods, towns, and cities across the country. Using archival photographs, her work makes history available to all. Rose will share stories at Leavenworth Library Friday evening, and offer a book-signing Saturday. With Rose, watch the past come alive—watch Leavenworth change from native days to the present.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Images of America: Leavenworth - $21.99
Fri, Nov 25 12:00 - 4:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Savor Leavenworth with Morgan Fraser (Book-signing) |
 Join us Friday, November 25, as Morgan Fraser releases Savoring Leavenworth, a wine-pairing cookbook from our own Wenatchee River Valley. Like her successful Savoring Chelan, she presents a beautifully illustrated and richly diverse who's who of our region's talent, showcasing all new recipes paired with area wines.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of Savoring Leavenworth - $34.95
Sat, Nov 26 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Sheila Robert's latest! The Nine Lives of Christmas (Book-signing) |
 What do a shy woman in need of a makeover, a commitment-phobic fireman, and a cat on his ninth life have in common? They're about to find out in bestselling Sheila Roberts' humorous, heartwarming Christmas novel about a matchmaking cat and his endeavors to bring a couple together in time for the holidays.
Click here to learn more...
Buy a SIGNED copy of The Nine Lives of Christmas - $14.99
ABFAS August Top 10 Best-Sellers...
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 Looking Forward To Another Fabulous School Bookfair.
A Book For All Seasons looks forward to continuing our collaboration with Osborn Elementary and parent-volunteers at 2011's school-fundraising bookfair. As in past years, ten percent of all sales, plus a basket for direct donations, go directly to Osborn's library.
Details are still in the works, but look for A Book For All Seasons and those wonderful volunteers who make it all possible during school conferences the last week in October.
What's New? What's Hot Off The Press? What's Just Been Released?
Fiction |
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Young Adult |
Early Grades & Picture Books |
 The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka $22.00
Julie Otsuka's long awaited second novel is a tour de force of economy and precision. In eight incantatory sections, The Buddha in the Attic tells the story of a group of young women brought over from Japan to San Francisco as 'picture brides' nearly a century ago.
In prose so delicate and deft it has been compared to the Japanese art of sumi-e—strokes of ink brushed across sheets of rice paper, a play of light and dark capturing not just images but sensations, not just surfaces but the essence of what lies within—Otsuka traces their diverse yet coherent and extraordinary lives, from their arduous journey by boat, where they exchange photographs of their husbands, imagining uncertain futures in an unknown land; to their arrival in San Francisco and their tremulous first nights as new wives; to their backbreaking work picking fruit in the fields and scrubbing the floors of white women; to their struggles to master a new language and a new culture; to their experiences in childbirth, and then as mothers, raising children who will ultimately reject their heritage and their history; to the deracinating arrival of war.
In language that has the force and the fury of poetry, Julie Otsuka has written a singularly spellbinding novel about the American dream.
"perfectly attuned ... intimate yet ... expansive" — The New York Times Book Review
"beautifully rendered, a delicate amalgam of contrasting and complementary experiences... readers ...will finish this exceptional book profoundly moved." — Publishers Weekly
"luminous ...Otsuka works an enchantment upon her readers...and leaves us haunted and astonished at the powers of her subtlety and charms.... Unforgettable and essential" — Library Journal
Julie Otsuka's first novel, When the Emperor Was Divine, was a New York Times Notable Book, and a San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year and has been translated into six languages and sold more than 250,000 copies. The New York Times called it "a resonant and beautifully nuanced achievement" and USA Today described it as "A gem of a book and one of the most vivid history lessons you'll ever learn." Otsuka's second novel, The Buddha in the Attic, is about a group of young Japanese 'picture brides' who sailed to America in the early 1900s to become the wives of men they had never met and knew only by their photographs. She lives in New York City.
 Buy The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka - $22.00
 We the Animals By Justin Torres $18.00
In this exquisite, blistering debut novel, three brothers tear their way through childhood—smashing tomatoes all over each other, building kites from trash, hiding out when their parents do battle, tiptoeing around the house as their mother sleeps off her graveyard shift. Paps and Ma are from Brooklyn—he's Puerto Rican, she's white—and their love is a serious, dangerous thing that makes and unmakes a family many times.
Life in this family is fierce and absorbing, full of chaos and heartbreak and the euphoria of belonging completely to one another. From the intense familial unity felt by a child to the profound alienation he endures as he begins to see the world, this beautiful novel reinvents the coming-of-age story in a way that is sly and punch-in-the-stomach powerful. Written in magical language with unforgettable images, this is a stunning exploration of the viscerally charged landscape of growing up, how deeply we are formed by our earliest bonds, and how we are ultimately propelled at escape velocity toward our futures.
"We the a strobe light of a story, its flash set on slow, producing before our eyes lurid and poetic snapshots..." — The New York Times Book Review
"sensitive, carefully wrought ...lit up by sudden flashes of pained insight." — The New York Times
"It's rare to come across a young writer with a voice whose uniqueness, power and resonance are evident from the very first page, or even the very first paragraph... a slender, tightly wound debut novel by a remarkable young talent named Justin Torres...whose highly personal voice should excite us in much the same way that Raymond Carver's or Jeffrey Eugenides's voice did when we first heard it." — The Washington Post
"exquisitely crafted ... Upon finishing, readers might be tempted to start again, not wanting to let it go." — Kirkus Reviews
"We the Animals is a gorgeous, deeply humane book. Every page sings, and every scene startles. I think we'll all be reading Justin Torres for years to come." — Daniel Alarcon, author of Lost City Radio
"We the Animals is a dark jewel of a book. It's heartbreaking. It's beautiful. It resembles no other book I've read. We should all be grateful for Justin Torres, a brilliant, ferocious new voice." — Michael Cunningham, Pulitzer prize-winning author of The Hours.
Buy We the Animals By Justin Torres - $18.00
 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created by Charles C. Mann $30.50
From the best-selling author of 1491 comes 1493: a deeply engaging new history of the most momentous biological event since the death of the dinosaurs.
More than 200 million years ago, geological forces split apart the continents. Isolated from each other, the two halves of the world developed radically different suites of plants and animals. When Christopher Columbus set foot in the Americas, he ended that separation at a stroke. Driven by the economic goal of establishing trade with China, he accidentally set off an ecological convulsion as European vessels carried thousands of species to new homes across the oceans.
The Columbian Exchange, as researchers call it, is the reason there are tomatoes in Italy, oranges in Florida, chocolates in Switzerland, and chili peppers in Thailand. More important, creatures the colonists knew nothing about hitched along for the ride. Earthworms, mosquitoes, and cockroaches; honeybees, dandelions, and African grasses; bacteria, fungi, and viruses; rats of every description—all of them rushed like eager tourists into lands that had never seen their like before, changing lives and landscapes across the planet.
As Charles C. Mann shows, the Columbian Exchange underlies much of subsequent human history. Presenting the latest research by ecologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians, Mann shows how the creation of this worldwide network of ecological and economic exchange fostered the rise of Europe, devastated imperial China, convulsed Africa, and for two centuries made Mexico City—where Asia, Europe, and the new frontier of the Americas dynamically interacted—the center of the world. In such encounters, he uncovers the germ of today's fiercest political disputes, from immigration to trade policy to culture wars.
In 1493, Charles Mann gives us an eye-opening scientific interpretation of our past, unequaled in its authority and fascination.
"fascinating and complex, exemplary in its union of meaningful fact with good storytelling, ranges across continents and centuries to explain how the world we inhabit came to be." — The Washington Post
"Mann has managed the difficult trick of telling a complicated story in engaging and clear prose while refusing to reduce its ambiguities to slogans...[1493] is thoroughly researched and up-to-date, combining scholarship from fields as varied as world history, immunology and economics, but Mann wears his learning lightly. He serves up one arresting detail after another...always in vivid language...Most impressive of all, he manages to turn plants, germs, insects and excrement into the lead actors in his drama while still parading before us an unforgettable cast of human characters. He makes even the most unpromising-sounding subjects fascinating." — The New York Times
"Mann traces the subtle, epochal influences European honeybees and earthworms remade New World landscapes; how New World corn, potatoes, and fertilizer ignited Eurasian population booms; how Old World diseases prompted an eruption of slavery in the Western Hemisphere ... how Latin American silver undermined China's Ming Dynasty; and how the decimation of Indian peoples changed the world's climate. The author interweaves research on everything from epidemiology to economics into a lucid historical panorama that's studded with entertaining studies ...Brilliantly assembling colorful details into big-picture insights" — Publishers Weekly
Charles C. Mann is a correspondent for Science and The Atlantic Monthly, and has cowritten four previous books. A three-time National Magazine Award finalist, he has won awards from the American Bar Association, the Margaret Sanger Foundation, the American Institute of Physics, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, among others. His writing was selected for The Best American Science Writing 2003 and The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2003.
 Buy 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created by Charles C. Mann - $30.50
 Here Comes Trouble: Stories from My Life By Michael Moore $26.99
"I had an unusually large-sized head, though this was not uncommon for a baby in the Midwest. The craniums in our part of the country were designed to leave a little extra room for the brain to grow in case one day we found ourselves exposed to something we didn't understand, like a foreign language, or a salad."
Michael Moore—Oscar-winning filmmaker, bestselling author, the nation's unofficial provocateur laureate—is back.
Breaking the autobiographical mode, he presents twenty-four far-ranging, irreverent, and stranger-than-fiction vignettes from his own early life. One moment he's an eleven-year-old boy lost in the Senate and found by Bobby Kennedy; and in the next, he's inside the Bitburg cemetery with a dazed and confused Ronald Reagan. Fast-forwarding to 2003, he stuns the world by uttering the words "We live in fictitious times . . . with a fictitious president" in place of the expected "I'd like to thank the Academy."
And none of that even comes close to the night the friendly priest at the seminary decides to show him how to perform his own exorcism.
Capturing the zeitgeist of the past fifty years, yet deeply personal and unflinchingly honest, Here Comes Trouble takes readers on an unforgettable, take-no-prisoners ride through the life and times of Michael Moore. No one will come away from this book without a sense of surprise about the Michael Moore most of us didn't know. Alternately funny, eye-opening, and moving.
"Mr. Moore's coming of age as a working—class malcontent is...something to behold. It's the story of a big lunk who learns to yoke his big mouth to a sense of purpose. It persuades you to take Mr. Moore seriously, and it belongs on a shelf with memoirs by, and books about, nonconformists like Mother Jones, Abbie Hoffman, Phil Ochs, Rachel Carson, Harvey Pekar and even Thomas Paine." — The New York Times
"Filmmaker and political activist Moore's outstanding memoir ...display[s] his characteristic dry humor ...True to form, Moore doesn't pull any punches, but he's grown as a writer, with ...self-deprecating, empathetic style, Moore triumphs. Regardless of which side of the political fence readers are on, they're sure to find this collection enlightening, engaging, and occasionally enraging." — Publishers Weekly Starred Review.
 Buy Here Comes Trouble: Stories from My Life By Michael Moore - $26.99
Young Adult
 The Flint Heart By Katherine Paterson , John Paterson , John Rocco (Illustrator) $19.99 Recommended for ages 7-12
Long ago, in the land of Dartmoor, a magic man created an enchanted charm that granted its possessor incredible power—at the cost of the wearer's own tenderness and compassion.
After the merciless Flint Heart caused much destruction, it was lost among the reeds and rocks of the moor, until a kindly farmer discovered it thousands of years later. With the Flint Heart in his possession, the once adoring father Billy Jago is transformed into a cruel and merciless brute. Young Charles is determined to win back his father's true nature, and with his sister Unity and his dog, Ship, he sets off into an enchanted world where animals talk, fairies hold elaborate banquets, and magical mischief must be resolved to bring Dartmoor and Merripit Farm back to rights again.
This luminous fantasy by Katherine and John Paterson, freely abridged from Eden Phillpotts's original story, is a tale that promises to capture the hearts of listeners with an enchantment all its own.
"A full century after the publication of Eden Philpotts's The Flint Heart, the story resurfaces in the capable hands of the Patersons ... preserving the book's humor, whimsy, and enchanting storytelling... the Patersons have done a stellar job of maintaining the book's period feel while creating a fresher, tighter story that feels tailor-made for family reading" — Publishers Weekly
"A heart-shaped amulet fashioned more than five thousand years ago ...greed, rebellion, deception, and general oppression followed in the wake of the flint heart... years later, a completely innocent family man with a loving wife and clever children stumbled upon the talisman... Billy Jago, an all-round good chap, is transformed into a man who is more feared than loved. Working cooperatively, a fairy king, a German hot water bottle, and the clever and caring Jago children manage with stealth and wisdom to bring their precarious lives back to normal... with their signature tongue-in-cheek humor, sparkling narration, unique characterization, and ingenious dialogue, the Patersons offer a joyous romp through the English countryside and a fairy world that is utterly believable. This tale promises another triumph for the award-winning author and her husband." — Children's Literature
Katherine Paterson is the current National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. Her international fame rests not only on her widely acclaimed novels but also on her efforts to promote literacy in the U.S. and abroad. She is a two-time winner of the Newbery Medal and the National Book Award, and she has received many other accolades for her works, including the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, and the Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts. Katherine was also named a Living Legend by the Library of Congress in 2000.
 Buy The Flint Heart By Katherine Paterson , John Paterson , John Rocco (Illustrator) - $19.99
Young Adult
 Bluefish By Pat Schmatz $15.99 Recommended for ages 12 and up
8th-grader Travis doesn't want to be here with Grandpa in this new town. Travis doesn't want to do anything, especially try to get by in his classes, which seems impossible, anyway.
Then, suddenly, there's a girl. Velveeta. She's up in his face and she's not backing down. She is as loud as he is quiet, as outgoing as he is shut in. She's pretty, in a funky, scarf-wearing sort of way, and she's smart—smart enough to figure out that Travis has a secret. And she should know. She has a few of her own. She's not sure what's up with him, but she's determined to find out. So is McQueen, the teacher who might just be the one to unleash something in Travis that has been held back for a very long time.
With a cast of utterly believable characters, Pat Schmatz has crafted a story rich in moments of trust and connection, told with humor, heartbreak, and fearless honesty.
"Travis is a lot of things: an eighth grader at a new school; an orphan living with his crotchety [recovering] alcoholic grandpa; a boy mourning the loss of a beloved dog; and a self-proclaimed "bluefish" (a derogatory term based on a Dr. Seuss character). Travis is also the keeper of a big secret which is revealed halfway through the book—he cannot read. Two other pivotal characters also have secrets: Grandpa and a sassy, precocious girl known as Velveeta. On the surface, vivacious Velveeta and troubled, tongue-tied Travis share little in common; however, both have experienced, and are trying to cope with, significant loss... [a] powerful, reassuring message of hope." — Children's Literature
"filled with likable, idiosyncratic characters... [and] rife with unusual honesty and hope." — Kirkus Reviews
 Buy Bluefish By Pat Schmatz - $15.99
Early Grades and Picture Books
 I Want My Hat Back By Jon Klassen , Jon Klassen (Illustrator) $15.99
A picture-book delight by a rising talent tells a cumulative tale with a mischievous twist.
The bear's hat is gone, and he wants it back. Patiently and politely, he asks the animals he comes across, one by one, whether they have seen it. Each animal says no, some more elaborately than others. But just as the bear begins to despond, a deer comes by and asks a simple question that sparks the bear's memory and renews his search with a vengeance. Told completely in dialogue, this delicious take on the classic repetitive tale plays out in sly illustrations laced with visual humor—and winks at the reader with a wry irreverence that will have kids of all ages thrilled to be in on the joke.
"deliberately understated, with delectable results. Digitally manipulated ink paintings show a slow-witted bear asking half a dozen forest animals if they've seen his hat... Most of the answers the bear gets are no help ("What's a hat?" one animal asks), but the rabbit's answer arouses suspicion: "I haven't seen any hats anywhere. I would not steal a hat. Don't ask me any more questions." In a classic double-take, the bear doesn't notice the hat on the rabbit's head until several pages on... Readers with delicate sensibilities may object to the implied conclusion ("I would not eat a rabbit," the bear says stoutly, his hat back on his head, the forest floor showing signs of a scuffle), but there is no objecting to Klassen's skillful characterizations; though they're simply drawn and have little to say, each animal emerges fully realized. A noteworthy debut." — Publishers Weekly
"Indubitably hip" — Kirkus Reviews
Jon Klassen received the 2010 Canadian Governor General's Award for his illustrations in Caroline Stutson's Cat's Night Out.
 Buy I Want My Hat Back By Jon Klassen , Jon Klassen (Illustrator) - $15.99
Early Grades and Picture Books
 My Dog Thinks I'm a Genius By Harriet Ziefert , Barroux (Illustrator) $16.99
Louie loves watching his young master paint, and when the boy puts his finishing touches on a particularly good self-portrait, Louie barks enthusiastically. One day, when the boy is at school, Louie tries his own paw at painting a still life. Is this purely an accident, or is Louie a "genius," just like his master?
"A simple boy-and-his-dog story gets an artistic twist." — School Library Journal
"'I need to paint and draw every day,' explains a round-headed kid with pencil-hatched hair in this sweet, carefully composed paean to creativity...Companion Louie, a white dog with a long body, long muzzle and tiny legs, insists upon being depicted in his owner's work. After the boy leaves for school, Louie explodes from art subject to artist... Louie's chef-d'œuvre evokes Cézanne (explained in an author's note). Only a loose close-up of the Cézanne homage actually appears, but its freely casual vibe combines with the childlike skill level of the boy's own paintings to prevent readers from feeling insecure in their own attempts. This is about enthusiastic process, not product. Have the easels handy; inspiration is inevitable." — Kirkus Reviews
 Buy My Dog Thinks I'm a Genius By Harriet Ziefert , Barroux (Illustrator) - $16.99