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On Location @ ABFAS
Hurray! Fall is Back in the Air and
A Book For All Season's Writers' Workshops Resume!
Saturday, November 7, 10:00 - 2:30 PM at Kristall's Restaurant, Carol Cassella brings us a writers' workshop perfect for those of us juggling work, family, holidays and writing, all at the same time. Carol's workshop, titled: How to Write a Novel Without Losing Your Job, Your Family or Your Mind: Fitting the Work of Writing into Your Real World, should get you warmed up for ABFAS' upcoming Writers' Workshop Series to start in January.
 Not a writer but, a Carol Cassella fan? No problem, Carol will be signing books at A Book For All Seasons Saturday, November 7 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
 Financial Lives of the Poets! Join Award-winning Author Jess Walter
Join award-winning, best-selling author Jess Walter for dinner at Visconti's, Wednesday, November 18, 6:30 - 8:30 PM. A humorously captivating, sought-after lecturer and speaker, Jess received a standing ovation for his keynote address at Wenatchee's 2009 Write On the River conference.
 Can't make it for dinner? Stop by to meet Jess and shake hands at his book signing at A Book For All Seasons, Wednesday, November 18, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
Jess Walter's newly-released The Financial Lives of the Poets follows its middle-aged, overly-leveraged hero in a weeklong quest to save his marriage, his mortgage, his sanity, and his dreams. This laugh-out-loud yet heartfelt novel is about how any of us might reach the edge of ruin-and how we might begin to make our way back.
 TGIF! Award-winning Musician Amy Foster Shares Her Debut Fantasy Novel.
What to do on a blustery November evening? Why, TGIF! -- in the library with debut author Amy Foster, Friday, November 20, 7:00 - 9:00 PM. If you miss Amy Friday, she'd love to meet you Saturday, November 21, 1:00 - 3:00 PM, at her book signing at A Book For All Seasons.
In Amy's debut novel, When Autumn Leaves, the gentle and wise witch Autumn must leave her magical hamlet, and must select a disciple-successor from among thirteen women. It's no easy task, for they each hold a special power, which may or may not benefit the town. "A fantastic debut full of the things I love best in a good fantasy," writes Charles de Lint.
Happy Holidays! Ideas to Brighten Your Holidays!
What to get for that special person? Browse our Holiday Book Catalog for ideas. As always, A Book For All Season's Holiday Catalog is bursting with ideas for everyone. From Haiku for Cat Lovers to Led Zeppelin to 109 Forgotten American Heroes, you'll find the unexpected and exciting on every page. Wondering what's just out from Stephenie Meyer, Mike Lupica, Sherman Alexie, Jess Walter, or James Patterson? Open our catalog and find out.
Look for A Book For All Season's Holiday Catalog as a free insert in your Thursday, November 19 Wenatchee World. Or stop by the bookstore for your copy. As always, you can purchase from A Book For All Seasons in person, by phone, or on-line.
 Four Fabulous Authors, Prizes, and Discounts at Our Holiday Catalog Book Buzz.
Don't Miss our Holiday Catalog Book Buzz on Saturday November 28. You might win a one night's stay at our book-themed Innsbrucker Inn*!
Meet four fabulous authors at A Book For All Seasons' Holiday Catalog Book Buzz. The four-author book buzz and grand prize-drawing for the Inn takes place 1:00 - 3:00 PM. We're also offering a one-day 10% discount on all visiting authors' books ALL DAY LONG!
*(In Leavenworth, above the bookstore)

Holidays, Parties and Books - Oh My!
Hurray for powdery snow, crackling fires, and good books. Hurray for friends, food, parties, excitement and new ideas! We'd love your company at our
Christmas Party: Thursday December 3, 6:00 - 9:00 PM at A Book For All Seasons.
A Book For All Seasons looks forward with delight to the new and the old as another year's Christmas party beckons. As you've come to expect, we'll have refreshments, drawings, gifts, the chance to meet fascinating authors and
ALL-DAY 10% off
Holiday Catalog items and all visiting authors' books.
Share the spirit at our gift-wrapping station! Your donation for gift-wrapping will spread the joy of the season throughout the Upper Valley - all proceeds go to Community Cupboard!
What a line up this year! Six favorite authors, and a whole world of ideas, as Stephanie Kallos, Carol Casella, Kit Bakke, Jennie Shortridge, Erica Bauermeister and Randy Sue Coburn return to A Book For All Seasons.
 Nature into Art into Architecture In a Gorgeous Children's Picture Book
Join illustrator Julie Paschkis at A Book For All Seasons on Sunday, December, 6 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM as she signs Building on Nature: the Life of Antoni Gaudi, the children's picture book that Booklist calls "a simply pure joy to look at."
Born among the jagged mountain peaks and silvery olive trees of Catalonia, and splashed by its sparkling sea, architect Gaudi saw a Great Book of Nature, and read from it all of his life. The shapes and colors of the natural world appear throughout Gaudi's buildings. Leaves climb up walls. Pillars are giant animal feet. A long bench snakes around a playground. Gaudà turned nature into art, and in the process he revolutionized the world of architecture.
ABFAS Top 10 October Best-Sellers...
  Prefer to shop comfortably from home? Shop A Book For All Seasons however you like best: on-line, by phone, or in person. Give us a call at (509) 548-1451 or click here to shop online! We're open to serve you 9 am to 8 pm every day of the year.
What Do I Get My Special Someone...
Have you considered a personally autographed book?
Browse our autographed section at A Book For All Seasons. We have over 100 titles autographed by the author or illustrator: children's, young adult, and adult fiction as well as non-fiction.
Now available in our autographed section are:
- The ever-popular PATRICK MCMANUS! Our autographed section includes a wide selection of his hallmark, best-selling outdoorsy humor—and also includes his exciting new (and funny!) mystery series.
- Kenn Nesbitt's hilarious kid's poetry. Kids love the audio CD included with My Hippo Has the Hiccups. Kids laugh out loud over Aliens Have Landed at Our School.
- Harry Kapeikis' Exile from Latvia - a moving and up-lifting memoir about a Bavarian childhood displaced by WWII.
- And much, much more!
Convenient - Portable - Educational - Fun! It's Mark-My-Time.
Take the work out of reading homework! Make it fun and easy for your child to log reading times with this bright and colorful bookmark with built-in digital clock.
She can use Mark-My-Time in countdown mode - let the bookmark answer: Am I done yet? He can use Mark-My-Time in cumulative mode to track multiple reading sessions.
 | The best place on a cold dark November evening is snuggled in Grandma's lap, with a favorite book. Isaiah and Pat want to tell you about two of their favorite kid's picture books.
There was once a friendly little tractor... After working hard all day, Otis ... would leapfrog bales of hay ... play ring-around-the-rosy with the ducks ... and sometimes ... just sit under the apple tree and watch the farm below.
Then one day ...
 Otis is an unforgettable story about friendship, love, trust, perseverance, and about what makes each of us special. The sweet and gentle illustrations will bring a smile to your face. We read a lot of picture books, say Pat and Isaiah, and this is one of our all-time favorites.
New York Times best-selling illustrator Loren Long wrote and illustrated Otis. He lives in Cincinnati with his family. Learn more at
 Come Back Soon
Intricate, playful illustrations and a message of forgiveness and friendship make this lovely book a wonderful wintery read.
Icetown is a fabulously sculpted whale and penguin wonderland at the South Pole. When Elephant the architect arrives in Icetown, things do not go smoothly at all! But just as friends will travel far across the sea to be with one another, good friends will always help to make things right. A story of friendship, travel, and global community, Come Back Soon will cheer anyone who has ever made a mistake and been forgiven.
A practicing architect for many years, author/illustrator Daniel Schallau calls himself an "imaginary architect," designing fantastic cities and buildings for animals to live and work and play in. Enjoy learning more at
School Library Fundraiser a Resounding Success Osborn's Book Fair Bustles With Happy Faces
A Book For All Seasons joins Cascade School District in extending warmest thank yous to the many dedicated volunteers who made this year's book fair a reality.
 Thanks are especially due to Partners in Education, who spear-headed the effort to make a wide variety of books available to students and families, with a percentage of each sale donated to the Osborn library. Thank you volunteers, parents, teachers, Osborn principal Kelli Dougherty, Julie Winters, Eddie the book-loving labradoodle... and many, many others who made Osborn's fall book fair a resounding success. Together we demonstrated the true power of community.
What are Leavenworth's School Volunteers Reading?
 Jill Keyser, Partners in Education coordinator and tireless advocate for schools and children, recommends The Elegance of the Hedgehog. Here's a book to enjoy slowly, like a fine French wine. Prepare to experience something different, Jill says, in the early chapters. "I loved reading a book from the French perspective, translated from the French," Jill says. "I could see Paris, and the way the society worked, and the elegant hotels." Who ought to be the two most dis-similar characters in this hotel? Why the elderly, widowed, grumbling, lower-class concierge on the ground floor, and the twelve-year-old, youngest, obedient daughter of privilege in an upper apartment. And yet ...
 "Then, about ¾ of the way through, the book really changed, and totally grabbed me," Jill said. "At that point, I was trying to make myself read more slowly so the book wouldn't be over too soon. The last quarter of the book is really gripping. This troubled twelve-year-old, who is planning to commit suicide, finds a kindred spirit, someone who understands her and gives her hope for the future. The book has great, fascinating characters. But it's the ending that makes it one of my favorites. It would seem strange to call it a happy ending, and yet it felt really transformative, and full of hope for young people." A moving, witty, and redemptive novel, The Elegance of the Hedgehog exalts the quiet victories of the inconspicuous among us.
 October found Susan Thomas wrapping up her volunteer soccer coaching, helping with Osborn's book fair, volunteering in fourth grade classrooms - and oh, yes, working hard at her paid job, environmental education at events like Salmon Festival.
 Susan's book pick also has an international flavor: The Feast of Roses, set in 17th century India. "I was so enthralled with the first book in the series, The Twentieth Wife, that I had to pick up the sequel," said Susan. "I've travelled in India and spent time in Agra. This novel filled in the history behind the things I'd seen. India itself, full of scents and sounds and vibrant characters, came back to me, just came alive in this book. The Feast of Roses is strongly tied to history - each chapter starts with a quote by a historian, and spins off of that. At the same time its wonderful plot, full of twists and turns, had me hooked. The main character, Mehrunnisa, has a really strong spirit, and breaks the norms of what was expected for women in those times. She has to fight twice as hard, and twice as smart, as the men around her. Her marriage is unusual for her time too - she and the Emperor marry for love, not politics, and their marriage remains based on love and respect. She is at the Emperor's side, sharing power and decisions, even though she is behind the veil. It's a women's rights story, in a way, and also a love story. You might pick it up to learn more about world history - and you'll find you have a page-turner you won't want to put down!"
You can learn more about this author and her books at
 Whistlestop Leavenworth: All Aboard!
A long-time dream is now a reality! Leavenworth's train station is open for business. Fast, relaxing, scenic and affordable - what a great way to cross the pass, no matter the weather!
Amtrak's Empire Builder
Eastbound: arrives in Leavenworth 8:00 pm.
Westbound: departs Leavenworth 6:08 am.
Click here for more information about Amtrak's Empire Builder Line.
 Hey, Goodlookin,' What Ya Got ... Snowin'?
Who is that gorgeous Bavarian Village on the cover of Lakeshore Christmas?
Why, there's the gazebo - this looks like ... Leavenworth!
That's right, New York Times best-selling romance author Susan Wiggs' latest release features Leavenworth in her cover art!
Readers everywhere have embraced the Lakeshore Chronicles, stories of love and family set in an idyllic town on the shores of Willow Lake. Now comes Lakeshore Christmas, a modern-day fairy tale about the unexpected blessings of the season. A lonely woman and a troubled man find themselves forever changed.
Maureen loves Christmas, and is willing to set aside her worries to direct the town's annual holiday pageant. Eddie can't stand Christmas, yet he's been ordered by a judge to co-direct the pageant alongside Maureen. Maureen and Eddie spar over every detail, from casting troubled kids to Eddie's original—and distinctly untraditional—music. Is he trying to sabotage the performance to spite her? Or is she trying too hard to force Christmas into a storybook-perfect mold? And how is it possible that they're falling in love?
With its uplifting message about the power of giving, their story will take you back to those special relationships that have shaped your life.
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love," (Hamilton Wright Mabie, 1846-1916), is Susan's closing thought to you.