  Just released and perfect for Halloween!
Over in the hollow, where the cobwebs are spun,
Live a giant mother spider and her little spidey one.
Who else lives over in the hollow? A papa mummy and his little mummies two, a mama owl and her little owlets three...and more! And they all have something to say, whether it's to hoot or howl, hiss or yowl. Over in the Hollow is a wonderful read-aloud book, playful - not scary! - with rich, colorful illustrations full of funny details to discover.
Join Rebecca Dickinson, author of this gorgeous Halloween picture book, at her book-signing Saturday, October 3, 1:00-3:00 PM.
Breakfast with A Flock of Angels!
On Saturday October 10, 10:00 AM - noon, breakfast with three angel-inspired authors: the authors of Angel Lane, Coffeehouse Angel, and Lakeshore Christmas! Sheila Roberts, Suzanne Selfors, and New York TImes best-selling author Susan Wiggs look forward to joining you at Eagle Creek Winery for a deliciously special breakfast and warm conversation. Breakfast includes lox, bagel and cream cheese, apple strudel, grapes, a glass of Eagle Creek white wine, Starbucks coffee and a selection of teas.
You'll have a second chance to shake hands with the angels on Saturday...

 Don't Miss PATRICK MCMANUS This October!
Saturday October 17, 2:00 - 3:00 PM, join us at A Book For All Seasons where Patrick McManus will be signing copies of The Double-Jack Murders, a Sheriff Bo Tully mystery.
The eagerly awaited third novel in Patrick F. McManus's bestselling mystery series finds Sheriff Bo Tully with his hands full of elusive killers, eccentric backwoods characters, and irresistible women in this latest romp through the wilds of Blight County, Idaho.
Recapture NW History with Warren Carlson
 Take a lush, timbered, 1890 river valley visited seasonally by the native Skykomish for hunting and berries - add the Great Northern Railway plus rumors of a rich mine strike - and what do you get?
Find out from Warren Carlson at his presentation at Barn Beach Reserve Friday October 23, 7:00 - 9:00 PM or at his book-signing at A Book For All Seasons Saturday October 24, 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
Carlson brings the story to life in Upper Skykomish Valley. It's a story of how transportation forever changed the area, as thousands streamed in to prospect mining claims. However, with no smelter nearby, the incredible boom could not be sustained, and the boomtowns of Corea, Nippon, Berlin, Alpine, Wellington, and Scenic came and went, some within a decade. You'll treasure Upper Skykomish Valley for the photographs alone, chosen from among thousands cataloged by Skykomish Historical Society volunteers. You'll treasure it as well for the preservation in memory of a historic Northwest we can't quite believe without seeing.
Hurray! Fall is Back in the Air and
A Book For All Season's Writers' Workshops Resume!
Saturday, November 7, 10:00 - 2:30 PM at Kristall's Restaurant, Carol Cassella brings us a writers' workshop perfect for those of us juggling work, family, holidays and writing, all at the same time. Carol's workshop, titled: How to Write a Novel Without Losing Your Job, Your Family or Your Mind: Fitting the Work of Writing into Your Real World, should get you warmed up for ABFAS' upcoming Writers' Workshop Series to start in January.
Not a writer but, a Carol Cassella fan? No problem, Carol will be signing books at A Book For All Seasons Saturday, November 7 from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
ABFAS Top 10 September Best-Sellers...
 Nine long years! But Kingsolver has done it again!
Exciting news for fans of acclaimed, bestselling author Barbara Kingsolver! The Lacuna, Kingsolver's first novel in nine years, will be released November 3, and is available now for pre-purchase.
Balancing a strong sense of social justice with a warm narrative voice, The Lacuna is a poignant story of a man pulled between two nations. It takes us on an epic journey from the Mexico City of artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo to the America of Pearl Harbor, FDR, and J. Edgar Hoover.
 With deeply compelling characters, a vivid sense of place, and a clear grasp of how history and public opinion can shape a life, Barbara Kingsolver has created an unforgettable portrait of the artist-and of art itself. The Lacuna is a rich and daring work of literature, establishing its author as one of the most provocative and important of her time.
Barbara Kingsolver's bestselling books of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction include the novels The Bean Trees and The Poisonwood Bible. Translated into nineteen languages, her work has won a devoted worldwide readership and many awards, including the National Humanities Medal. Her most recent book is the highly praised, New York Times bestselling Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, published in May 2007. She lives with her family on a farm in southwestern Virginia.
The following quotes are from a live interview of Barbara Kingsolver by Bill Moyers on P.B.S. on 5-24-02:
"What a writer can do, what a fiction writer or a poet or an essay writer can do, is re-engage people with their own humanity. Fiction and essays can create empathy for the theoretical stranger... When you pick up a novel from the bed side table, you put down your own life at the same time and you become another person for the duration. And so you live that person's life and you understand in a way that you don't learn from reading a newspaper what it's like to live a life that's completely different from yours. And when you put that book down, you're changed. You have - you have something more expansive in your heart than you began with..."
"Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It's the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else's pain is as meaningful as your own."
Wear Banned Book Jewelry of Beautiful Enameled Tiles
Which of these titles has someone tried to remove from library shelves? To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, Alice In Wonderland, Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, Huckleberry Finn, Alex Ginsburg's Howl, The Kite Runner, TTYL, Bless Me Ultima, The Golden Compass, Maurice Sendak's In the Night Kitchen... CORRECT! All of these titles, and over a thousand more.
Carolyn Forsman has crafted select colorful banned book covers onto beautifully enameled tiles, available as a necklace, bracelet, or young-adult bracelet. Book covers are centered around a tile that proclaims: "I read banned books." Jewelry that looks lovely while making a statement!
A game a day keeps your sense of humor at play!
Beloved Bananagrams just grew new friends!
Build words with Bananagrams - choose an English or a Spanish version. And now you can add Appleletters and Pairs-in-Pears to your fruity game bowl to help children practice cognitive skills and memory, the alphabet, vocabulary and rhyming.
 Wimpy Fans Give 4 Cheers!
Wimpy Kid Book #4 — Dog Days" — will be here October 12! Available for pre-purchase now! Wimpy Kid Fans give Four Cheers!
Book #4 is the first Wimpy Book that gets out of school. In book four, it's summer vacation, the weather's great, and all the kids are having fun outside. So where's Greg Heffley? Inside his house, playing video games with the shades drawn.

Who's Banning Your Books?
Quick Quiz: Which of these titles has someone tried to remove from library shelves? To Kill a Mockingbird, The Color Purple, Alice In Wonderland, Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, Huckleberry Finn...
That is CORRECT! All of these titles, and over a thousand more.
Don't take for granted your right to read. Thank you for celebrating Banned Books Week with A Book For All Seasons.
Banned Books Week, September 26 — October 3, 2009, is sponsored by the American Library Association, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the Association of American Publishers, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, and the National Association of College Stores. Banned Books Week is also endorsed by the Center for the Book of the Library of Congress.
Click here for fabulous Banned Book jewelry.
To learn more about banned book week, and what you can do to help protect the right to read, visit www.bannedbooksweek.org or www.ala.org.

What are Leavenworth's bank tellers reading?
Dalila Guzman recently finished A Thousand Splendid Suns. "This book was so motivational," she said, "and also a real eye-opener into the conditions in which so many women are living." A Thousand Splendid Suns depicts Afghanistan across the last thirty years, from the Soviet invasion to post-Taliban rebuilding. Like Hosseini's first novel Kite Runner, also an international best-seller, A Thousand Splendid Suns shows how personal lives-the struggle to survive, raise a family, and find happiness-are inextricable from the history playing out around them. Born in Kabul, Hosseini has lived in the United States since 1980. Reviewers have called A Thousand Splendid Suns "uplifting, enlightening, universal ... a celebration of endurance and survival in the face of unspeakable tragedy." Dalila agrees. "The main character is really brave," she says. "The story is sad, but it's also inspiring. This book is very encouraging to women."
 Pinkie Toombs has read so many good books lately, it was hard for her to choose. But since Dalila picked one that might make you cry, Pinkie picked one sure to make you laugh. "Christopher Moore," she said, "is the hands-down absolute funniest author I've ever read. I was at a party, talking with my friends about Christopher Moore," she said, "and our circle just kept getting bigger and bigger. Everyone wanted to talk about him. We'd all read his books more than once." Her favorite Christopher Moore book? That was a hard question. "Dirty Job," she finally decided. "But Fluke and Lamb were really good too." Think your job is hard? A dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it? Well, it could be worse; you could have death's job. "Rather than serve up platitudes ... A Dirty Job offers wit, chaos, subversion, and a chance to flip death the middle finger while we still have the chance," says the Oregonian.
 Festival of Autumn Leaves a Resounding Success!
A Book For All Seasons Owner and Autumn Leaf Royal Lady Pat Rutledge had the pleasure of presiding over festivities in her very own home town last weekend. A lavish parade of floats, red and gold leaves, perfect weather, pumpkin carving, children's activities, master yodelers, Bavarian dancing and more - it was a glorious weekend! This has been a wonderful whirlwind year for Pat, and Leavenworth's Autumn Leaf Festival was the crowning jewel. Pat says thank you and thank you again to the many friends and supporters who made this possible.
 Halloween is in the Air!
Ghosts and Goblins, Zombies and Poultergeists - they're not just for breakfast - nor just for kids- any more!
Avail yourself of A Book For All Seasons' gruesomely delicious selection of ghastly titles. From Zombie Haiku, to Poultergeist: a classic study in destructive haunting, to U.S. Army Zombie Combat Skills to The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide, to Zombies for Zombies: advice and etiquette for the living dead, to our ABFAS bestselling Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (co-authored by Jane Austen), peruse the books you may not wish to be without this All Hallow's Eve.
And, oh yes, the youngsters, we have wonderful Halloween picture books for them too! Come in and enjoy! Bwa - ha - ha - ha!