 Ron Lovell's Martindale Mystery Series is Back with Yaquina White!
In the mood for a good mystery? How about a chance to meet the author of a good mystery? College professor Thomas Martindale returns to the scene of his debut as an amateur sleuth, the Yaquina Head lighthouse on Oregon's central coast for the action-packed story, Yaquina White, and the author, Ron Lovell will be at ABFAS on Saturday, August 2nd from 1-3pm.
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Yaquina White - $15.00
 Robert Wells will show you how to make learning fun!
Sunday, August 3rd from 1:00-3:00 pm, Robert Wells brings you his wonderful children's concept books. There's nothing like making learning easy, and with these books, your children will enjoy reading and like learning! Fundamental concepts such as machines, time, speed and numbers are taught through the use of pictures, comparisons, and uncomplicated explanations.
Buy a Signed Copy of Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of Can you Count to A Googol? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of How Do You Lift A Lion? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah? - $6.95
 Sunday, August 10th - It's Time for Jennifer Bradbury and Shift!
You and your best friend head out West on a cross-country bike trek. The two of you get into a fight and stop riding together. You reach Seattle, go back home, start college. You think your former best friend does too. He doesn't.
Imagine your world shifting...
Jennifer Bradbury joins ABFAS from 1:00-3:00pm on Sunday, August 10th as we celebrate the release of her fascinating new YA novel, Shift.
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Shift - $16.99
 August 13th we have Janet Lee Carey, Author of Dragon's Keep!
Princess Rosalind has been born with a dragon claw where her ring finger should be. The queen forces her to hide this secret at all times, but when a dragon carries Princess Rosalind off from everything she knows, she begins to understand what has been denied her...
Janet Lee Carey, author of Dragon's Keep, visits ABFAS on Wednesday, August 13th from 1:00-3:00pm!
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Dragon's Keep - $7.95
 High Praise for Chess Rumble!
On Thursday, August 14th, from 1:00-3:00pm, artist Jesse Joshua Watson joins ABFAS with his latest illustrations from G.Neri's book, Chess Rumble. The reviews keep coming in for this innovative book and they have high praise for Chess Rumble and Jesse Watson's art.
"Jesse Joshua Watson has created captivating and realistic images that propel Chess Rumble's pages to come alive." - BoysRead.org
"I wish there were books like this when I was a kid. And I gotta give G. Neri his props for so successfully capturing the voice of a troubled 11-year-old, African American male from the hood. Marcus' language is street, conversational and real. He talks just like I did at 11-years-old, and often still do. Watson's acrylic illustrations are strong and bold, full of emotion, and have a graphic art quality about them." - The Brown Bookshelf
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Chess Rumble - $14.95
 Garth Stein is coming to ABFAS on August 23rd!
We are pleased and excited to announce that Garth Stein will be coming to ABFAS on August 23rd to celebrate the release of his new book, which is already on best-seller lists everywhere, The Art of Racing in the Rain.
There will be two chances to meet Garth on Saturday, August the 23rd and this is going to be a day of opportunity and fun and one that you will want to mark on your calendar now because you won't want to miss it!
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of The Art of Racing in the Rain - $23.95
 "Are You Famous?" Touring America with Alaska's Fiddling Poet!
Ken Waldman, Alaska's Fiddling Poet is back in town and he's got a brand new book; his first book of prose entitled "Are You Famous? - Touring America with Alaska's Fiddling Poet". This book is part memoir, part travel notes and part artist how-to and has been called a Blue Highways for our time. Our chance to visit with Ken will be on Labor Day - Monday, September 1st, from 1 - 3pm!
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Are You Famous? - $15.00
Brisingr is Coming...
ABFAS Internet Only Special! 10% Pre-purchase discount!
Oaths Sworn...loyalties tested...forces collide.
The third book in Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle is set to be released on September 20th - Pre-purchase yours today and take advantage of our ABFAS Internet Only Special—a 10% Pre-purchase Discount on all copies of Brisingr—Book 3 of the Inheritance Cycle!
Following the colossal battle against the Empire's warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep.
Christopher Paolini's first book, Eragon, told the story of a 15-year old farm boy who discovers his destiny as a Dragon Rider, swept into a dangerous world of magic, glory and power. In his second book, Eldest, imaginative creatures abound and Eragon's world unfolds as he hones his Dragon Riding skills and now... Brisingr.
Eragon is the greatest hope to rid the land of tyranny. Can this once-simple farm boy unite the rebel forces and defeat the king?
Continue the Cycle...
Click here for a special message from Christopher Paolini to his Fans about Brisingr!
Buy a copy of Eragon for $10.95
Buy a copy of Eldest for $12.99
Pre-Purchase a copy of Brisingr for $27.50 $24.75
It's Prime Hiking Season - This New Trail Map is a Must for Every Backpack!
New at ABFAS are Trail Maps of the Wenatchee & Leavenworth area, created by Adventure Maps. These maps are waterproof and tear resistant, perfect for using all year long. Whether you're skiing, hiking, riding, or biking, this map won't wear out at the seams and at the end of your trip you can pack it away to use again.
We Know a Secret and We Can't Wait to Tell Everyone!
Simple Scents Australia is the "Australian Secret" to soft, smooth skin. Once you've tried these soaps, there will be no going back. Always triple-milled, this moisturizing, natural soap is made from plant oils with a scent that lasts until the bar is gone! Truly a find!
Just in time for the Beijing Olympic Games - The Newest Xeko (pronounced zeeko) Adventure... Mission: China!
From the people who brought you Xeko Mission Costa Rica, Indonesia, and Madagascar, Xeko is going to China! The Xeko trading card game is about as eco-friendly as they come. The cards are from 100% recycled stock, the ink is eco-friendly, and even the bright and imaginative packaging is recycled. Want to strengthen your child's math, reading and strategy skills while they play one of the coolest games around? Xeko is the answer!
We even have eco-friendly Giant Pandas on the premises as well! Turn your child into an eco-adventurer!
A Tote Bag for Everybody, Every Day and Every Occasion - We love Milano!
So many of you loved the "Radius" Saddle/Messenger Bags and "LuLu" Travel Totes that ABFAS brought to you recently from Milano (and so did we) so we went back for more! We've found even more bags that you'll want to use all year long! Bright, fun colors, easy-care materials, smart-styling, and high-quality construction - you just have to see these bags! There's something for everyone - Check out the Grace Tote, the Mini-Uptown Tote, and the Wine Tote!

New Book Club Selections for August!
Our local Book Groups choose fascinating and diverse titles so immerse yourself in one of these great selections this month!
Wednesday Book Group —
The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood |
– An exploration of the paradox of woman as villain.
Buy The Robber Bride - $15.00
Girl's Night Out —
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert |
– A woman's moving journey of self-discovery - from Rome to India to Bali.
Buy Eat, Pray, Love - $15.00
Say Hello to the "Girls Night Out" Book Club!
These ladies have been meeting together in one form or another for several years. They generally read fiction, adding a classic every once in a while; on occasion they add a biography to the mix as well, usually about a woman. They vote on the books that they read and we're told that their discussions are "pretty lighthearted", which sounds as if they enjoy each others' company as much as they enjoy the reading! The club meets on the third Thursday evening of every month and they always welcome new members. Contact ABFAS (509) 548-1451 or info@abookforallseasons.com if you're interested!
Moab —
Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson |
– A quiet yet powerful novel.
Winner of the 2007 IMPAC Dublin Award
A Time Magazine Best Book of the Year
One of the NYT Book Review's 10 Best Books of the Year
Buy Out Stealing Horses - $14.00
Faith Lutheran Book Club —
The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama |
– Senator Obama's candid book about where he's been and his hopes for America.
Buy The Audacity of Hope - $14.95
Enchantment Book Club —
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls |
– - A unique family memoir of love, betrayal, and dysfunction at its highest.
Buy The Glass Castle - $15.00
This Club meets after our newsletter deadline. Here's their book selection for the month of July:
Beaver Valley Readers —
The River Why by David James Duncan |
– A funny, sensitive story of one man's search for meaning, love, and a sane way to live.
Buy The River Why - $13.95
A Tribute to a Friend
Fred Ott always said that buying a book was such a great deal that someday, people were sure to catch on to just how good of a deal it was. You see, after a career as a paper salesman, Fred Ott knew paper, and yet he still thought the best deal he'd ever come across was when you could trade in just a few pieces of paper and get all of that paper back, in the form of a book!
We were saddened to hear that Fred, a friend of ABFAS and a frequent guest of the Sherlock Holmes Room at the Innsbrucker Inn, had passed away recently. Fred lived in Wisconsin, but when he took the train to Leavenworth, the Sherlock Holmes Room was always his. His daughter, Lisi lives in Leavenworth, but his other two children, Riki and Brad live in Alaska and Oregon respectively, making this a perfect central point for the family to spend time together.
In the picture of Fred, you'll notice that he is wearing two pins. One is from the International Crane Foundation, a group he helped to form in the 70's, dedicated to the preservation of cranes and their natural habitat worldwide. The second pin and the big smile that he is wearing can both be attributed to the fact that this picture was taken just after he had been awarded the Silver Acorn, which is the highest award from the Citizens Natural Resource Association, a group he helped to form in the 60's to sue the Federal Government to stop the use of DDT in Wisconsin and the rest of the country. Lisi summed it up well when she said, "My Dad was quite a guy who made our world a better place for all its creatures. He had a way about him, of touching peoples' hearts." A special man indeed.
Fred loved small, independent bookstores. According to Lisi, "he loved A Book for All Seasons, and [the Innsbrucker Inn] was his home away from home". He was a lover of books as well as a collector. When his books were recently cataloged, there were somewhere between 3000 and 4000 books in his house, and "he was still buying."
Fred's children gathered at his home in Wisconsin recently and his son Brad found a small, stuffed bear, all decked out as Sherlock Holmes, magnifying glass in tow. Brad immediately thought that "this bear should go in our room," the room he and his Dad had shared on all those many trips to Leavenworth. We immediately agreed and now this bear has been relocated to a permanent home on a shelf in the Sherlock Holmes Room. We're more than happy to have a remembrance of Fred Ott and the times that he stayed with us and now that's where this bear will stay, in "his room," over the bookstore, for years to come.
Kids with Clues are Keen to Crack the Curious Case of Poe Camp 2008!
There's simply too much fun going on in the ABFAS Tree House these days and when we get to the bottom of it, we're sure to find out that something extraordinary is afoot.
Poe Camp 2008 is underway and The Super Secret Detective Agency is working overtime at ABFAS. There are secrets everywhere!
There is still space available in the Boys - age 8-10 Camp starting August 4th - Call (509) 548-1451 now!
Click here for an update!
StoryTime at ABFAS!
Where else can you bring your preschooler once a week, every week for stories, singing, and fun - for free? Our kid's room is chock-full of the best selection of children's books you could find anywhere and we love to share them! Books that make your kids giggle, books that will make your kids squeal with delight, books that will make your kids listen in wonder, new imaginative books, and the books that you remember from your childhood.
From 11:45-12:15 every Tuesday, bring your child to StoryTime, because Reading is Fun!
ABFAS Gives You Yet Another Chance to Save Money!
Did you know that the image on our newsletter masthead comes from something in the bookstore? Each month we'll use a different image taken from something in the store. The first person that can identify it correctly, will get 10% off a one-time purchase!


Lisa's Looking Glass
Lisa Wells Reviews:
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
I bought a copy of Garth Stein's "The Art of Racing in the Rain" last week, but as I often have two, three, or four books going at a time, I thought I'd put it aside and finish one of my other books before adding another to the mix. That evening, curiosity (and the dog-lover in me) won out and I thought I might just read the first paragraph. Well, maybe just the first chapter. Actually, the chapters are quite short so I read another. And then another. Well, maybe just one more. I just couldn't put it down - so I didn't.
A story full of metaphor and imagery, "The Art of Racing in the Rain" breaks down what it is to be human; our weaknesses, our strengths, the pain, the joy, the challenges… and yet you are never once amazed that you are gleaning life lessons learned from a dog. A dog named Enzo who is the narrator for this story. Enzo is a dog who loves to watch TV, especially the Weather Channel ("[it's] not about the weather, it is about the world!"), a dog who loves to watch auto racing, a dog who loves his family. He once saw on TV that a dog that is ready will come back in his next life as a man. Oh my, Enzo is ready.
To watch Enzo's family through his eyes is to experience a unique perspective. He is a participant in all that occurs, but only peripherally. He is the proverbial "fly on the wall" in many situations, but little do they know that he is perceptive and understands, sometimes more than his family does. And yet he is a dog and he has limitations. He cannot articulate his thoughts and despite his desires, he does not have even one opposable thumb and yet Enzo feels deeply, his happiness becomes your happiness, his frustration becomes your frustration - his family becomes your family. Garth Stein has crafted a book with so much heart, truth and compassion that it just begs to be read. Afterwards, I just dare you to look at your dog, or any dog, quite the same again.
Buy a Signed Copy of The Art of Racing in the Rain - $23.95
Meet Garth Stein on August 23rd! Click Here to Find Out More!

JipKiss has Gone Green!
A Green Tip! - ABFAS has a lot of "green" shoppers and when we ask "Would you like a bag for your purchase?" a great many of our customers just say no! Many choose to use the bags they've brought and others just go without, preferring to save a bag.
The next time you make a purchase at ABFAS, we want you to know that there is one more "green" option and invite you to check out our new shopping bags! Made of 100% recycled fiber with a minimum of 95% post consumer content, these handled bags can be used, reused, and reused again! If you usually get a bag with your purchase, consider asking for one of our "green" IndieBound shopping bags and be sure to bring it with you each time you come back to do more ABFAS shopping!
Remember that it all counts... every little bit!

Could you work with your spouse?
All over the internet, articles abound about whether people should, would, or could successfully work with their spouse. Does it work? Should we? Could We? It could spell danger! It's only obvious that none of those writers bothered to talk to the folks at ABFAS because we have a couple making it work, right here!
After the moonlight ceremony that joined Donica and Stephen's families on August 28th of last year, Donica made the decision to change jobs and join the ABFAS family as well.
Their work schedules have changed a bit over time and as of now, they only work together one day a week, but they find themselves looking forward to that day. On Mondays, after arrangements are made for their 15-month old son Isaiah, and Donica's five-year old son, Jalen, they both meet up at ABFAS where Stephen is the Manager.

When these two are together, it's easy to see that they enjoy each others' company. They are quick to laugh and enjoy being close to each other so it's no surprise that when asked about the challenges of working with your spouse, Stephen cites trying to be professional when his wife is around. Stephen is a fun-loving man with a cheerful disposition and when Donica is around, his playful side comes out in droves. Donica, very sweet and equally as cheerful, laughed as she remembered a time when Stephen played one of his practical jokes on her while on the job. It involved a "funny voice" on the phone and she fell for it. Of course, the next time a similar voice came on the phone, she thought she had him... luckily she stopped herself when she realized that it might not be Stephen. Good thing too—it wasn't!
Being able to keep things light while on the job is what most of us hope for, but what happens when you have an unresolved disagreement with your spouse and you still have to put in a day of work together in the public eye? As Donica mentions, that can be a bit difficult because you have to come to work, still stirred up, with no chance apart to work through the problem. "We always work through it in a couple of hours, but it's hard because we have to work through it in front of everybody."
You'll find that most of the time though, any "disagreements" on the job are the good-natured, imaginary kind. According to Stephen, "this is the only place that I get to be boss!" and mentions that he likes the fact that "I can fire her any time that I want!" Considering that Donica admits that once, she was "actually fired three times in one day," this is an area where they tend to have a lot of fun. Stephen may be the Manager and he may jest about being the boss, but in reality Stephen tells us with a smile that Donica "knows me too well to let me get away with anything."
When a couple works together in a small business, coordinating a family vacation could be another challenge to overcome, but beyond that, Stephen and Donica couldn't come up with anything but good things to say. "We like that we get to take lunch together most Mondays" and "it's nice to spend some time together once in awhile without the kids," were recurring refrains, but Donica seemed to sum it up best when she said "I get to hang out all day with my best friend who makes me laugh; and I get to learn about books and get paid!" I suppose it just doesn't get much better than that.
Congratulations to Donica and Stephen who are celebrating their first anniversary this month! We hope you'll stop in and wish them many more years of happiness... on and off the job!

Pat's Corner
Pat is Nannyizing for a summer month and has been spotted in some unusual haunts.
Jipkiss and the Brilliant Bibliophiles @ A Book For All Seasons want to thank you again for your support! We'll See You Next Month! |