 Author Bonny Becker and "A Visitor for Bear" return to ABFAS!
While the curmudgeonly bear in "A Visitor for Bear" just wants to be left alone, we're happy to say that the same certainly can't be said for the book's author! Warm and friendly, Bonny Becker will welcome one and all as she joins us on
July 6th from 1:00-3:00pm.
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of A Visitor for Bear - $16.99
 Join us on July 13th for Tea with Regina!
July 13th from 1:00-3:00 pm, Regina Scott, author of La Petite Four comes for Tea!
The early nineteenth century is the era and with Regina's book and the three bonus books from the same era from three additional authors that she'll be bringing along, you'll think that a spot of tea will be just the thing!
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of La Petite Four - $8.99
 July 20th - It's time to do the Polar Polka with Erik Brooks!
If you've seen Erik Brooks' books before, maybe The Practically Perfect Pajamas, Octavius Bloom and the House of Doom, or Slow Days, Fast Friends, you already know that his illustrations are some of the most delightful you'll find on the shelf. Erik Brooks is stopping by on July 20th from 1:00-3:00pm with copies of the latest book that "bears" his illustrations and it's so much fun, you'll be ready to do the "Polar Polka" too!
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Polar Polka - $10.95
 Gayle Davies Jandrey brings us A Garden of Aloes
On July 26th, from 1:00-3:00pm, Gayle Davies Jandrey comes to ABFAS with her book A Garden of Aloes, a book about starting over, something many women have thought about, but fewer attempt. This book is garnering rave reviews!
Later that evening, Gayle will be on hand at d'Vinery for relaxed conversation over a glass of wine as our popular series A Taste of Wine and Words continues.
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of A Garden of Aloes - $18.00
 We'll have Vampire Photographs and Sunlight Slayings with Kevin Emerson at ABFAS!
Toss out all you know about "normal" vampires. On Sunday afternoon, July 27th, from 1-3pm, ABFAS welcomes author Kevin Emerson and the first two books in his Oliver Nocturne series. Oliver is a vampire boy who lives in rainy Seattle who started out with a fairly normal childhood - for a vampire. But now he's learned a secret that will change everything...
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Vampire's Photograph - $5.99
Buy a Signed Copy of The Sunlight Slayings - $5.99
 Ron Lovell returns to ABFAS and he's bringing his latest Mystery!
We met Ron Lovell when he taught his informative writing workshop earlier this year and now he returns on August 2nd from 1-3pm, with the latest in the Thomas Martindale Mystery series, Yaquina White. In Yaquina White we find college professor Thomas Martindale returning to the scene of his debut as an amateur sleuth, the Yaquina Head lighthouse on Oregon's central coast, but as the "white" of the title stands for the cocaine that a murderous drug gang is importing into the state, danger must be looming nearby.
Read More... | Buy a Signed Copy of Yaquina White - $15.00
 Robert Wells asks: Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?
Sunday, August 3rd from 1:00-3:00 pm, Robert Wells will be on hand with his wonderful children's picture books that are as educational as they are enjoyable. Titles such as Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?, Can you Count to A Googol?, How Do You Lift A Lion?, What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah?, and more...
Buy a Signed Copy of Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of Can you Count to A Googol? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of How Do You Lift A Lion? - $6.95
Buy a Signed Copy of What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah? - $6.95
So... What do you think? It's new!
We all need a new look once in awhile and the ABFAS newsletter is no exception. A little color here, a touch of redesign there and voilá! Something new and exciting is now coming your way!
Not only is our look different, but so is our moniker! Officially, we're still A Book for All Seasons, but you'll start seeing our acronym, ABFAS a lot more now too!
Our website is going through changes too. One of the changes you'll notice is that we're making it easier for you to shop on-line with us! Some of our best-selling gifts and gadgets along with books, books and more books are available at ABFAS with the click of the mouse. Check it out!
The new ABFAS eNews will still be fun and informative, but now we're shooting for inbox friendly too!
Let us know what you think! We love to hear from you!
Kids Kits are Jam-Packed with Fun-Filled Activities!
Learn something new, amaze your friends, and have hours of fun. From drawing to origami to juggling, these Kids Kits from Usborne Books have something for everyone!
A great travel companion or gift! Pick one up for your next long car trip, airline flight, or family gathering!
Click here for all the details!
Mismatched Madness!
It's summer! Take fun footwear to the next level!
You'll love these high-quality flip-flops from the folks at Little Mismatched. They're bendable and tough, bright and colorful, wild and zany, and delightfully mismatched!
Click here to check find out more!
ABFAS Internet Only Special!
10% off on all Pre-purchases of Breaking Dawn!
Release Date August 2nd, 2008!
Twilight tempted the imagination.
New Moon made readers thirsty for more.
Eclipse turned the saga into a worldwide phenomenon.
And now, the book that everyone has been waiting for...
Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the #1 bestselling Twilight Saga, will take your breath away...
The Twilight Saga continues as New York Times–bestselling author Stephenie Meyer returns with this much-anticipated fourth book in the series. All questions will be answered and the fate of Bella and Edward will finally be revealed.
We'll release your copy bright and early on August 2nd and if you pre-purchase Breaking Dawn from ABFAS online now you'll get your copy of Breaking Dawn with a Special Internet Only 10% Discount! Retail price = 22.99 - Your price = $20.69
You absolutely have to know how it ends! Don't miss a minute!
Click here to Pre-purchase your copy of Breaking Dawn.

Trying to decide what to read next?
How about taking a bit of inspiration from local book groups? Here's what they've chosen to read for the month of July!
Wednesday Book Group —
The Gilead by Marilynne Robinson |
– 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
– 2004 National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction
Buy The Gilead - $14.00
Girl's Night Out —
Sheer Abandon by Penny Vincenzi |
– An all-consuming story revolving around
the consequences of a desperate act...
Buy Sheer Abandon - $14.95
Moab —
The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian |
– A tale that travels between the Roaring Twenties and
the twenty-first century, between Jay Gatsby's
Long Island and rural New England.
Buy The Double Bind - $14.95
Faith Lutheran Book Club —
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama |
– Senator Obama's candid book about where he's
been and his hopes for America.
Buy The Audacity of Hope - $14.95
Enchantment Book Club —
Shadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II by Robert Kurson |
– An extraordinary story of deep-sea discovery.
Buy Shadow Divers - $14.95
These Clubs meet after our newsletter deadline. We'll catch up with them after they meet, but for now, here's what they read for the month of June!
Beaver Valley Readers —
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen |
– An atmospheric, gritty, and compelling novel of star-crossed lovers, set in the circus world circa 1932.
Buy Water for Elephants - $13.95
Jessica's Book Club —
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin |
– The story of one-man's mission to counteract extremism by building schools, especially for girls, throughout the breeding ground of the Taliban.
Buy Three Cups of Tea - $15.00
And to all of our Writers... Thinking About Joining a Writer's Group?
Have you considered joining a writer's group before? We've often had people ask us at ABFAS if we had a writer's group. The answer is no and yes! No, we don't have one currently, but yes, we'd be happy to facilitate one if there are people interested! Send us an email and let's make some connections!
NaNoWriMo is the "National Novel Writing Month" program. This takes place from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30 and the goal is for all participants to write a 175-page, 50,000 word novel in 30 days. A completely different type of writing, this challenge asks you to write intensely and allows you to make mistakes. It's what they call a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. There may also be a group forming just for this and if interested, give us a call at 509-548-1451 or email us for the contact information.
In addition to helping you to find or start a group, we'd also like to give you a bit of food for thought about joining a group. Following May's Write on the River Conference, Joann M. Anderson wrote an insightful article on writer Aaron Elkin's remarks about writer's critique groups that you'll want to be sure to read.
Click here to read the article

Karol's Critiques
Young Adult Fiction Review:
Karol Ramos reviews Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
Suite Scarlett is a fascinating story about Scarlett Martin. Scarlett's family owns the Art Deco Hotel. When Scarlett turns fifteen, she is expected to take over the care of a special suite in the hotel. When a guest comes to stay in Scarlett's suite for the whole summer, Scarlett becomes her personal assistant. Find out what happens when she has to deal with her nineteen year old brother's acting career, her eighteen year old sister's love life and her eleven year old cancer surviving sister. Will her summer be what she expected it to be? You'll have to read the book to find out.
Click here to purchase a copy of Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson - $16.99
The Wait is Over as Book Camp Begins This Month!
Pssst...It's Not Too Late to Get in On the Fun... Pass it Along...
The entire operation has been kept hush-hush. Although no one is talking, our crack-undercover team did manage to decipher a few things from the Book Camp 2008 mystery, but none of it makes any sense. Something about Poe Camp, more secrets, and then there was talk about koala bears and how their fingerprints are virtually indistinguishable from a humans... hmmm could they be trying to throw us off the trail? There are still spaces left and it's not too late to get in on the action. Don't miss it!
Click here to find out more!
StoryTime at ABFAS!
Where else can you bring your preschooler once a week, every week for stories, singing, and fun - for free? Our kid's room is chock-full of the best selection of children's books you could find anywhere and we love to share them! Books that make your kids giggle, books that will make your kids squeal with delight, books that will make your kids listen in wonder, new imaginative books, and the books that you remember from your childhood.
From 11:45-12:15 every Tuesday, bring your child to StoryTime, because Reading is Fun!

LA's Musings
Lilly-Anne Wilder Reviews:
Cloud of Sparrows by Takashi Matsuoka and Black Arrow by I.J. Parker
I have always enjoyed samurai movies. I used to go to the Oriental theater in Seattle's International district every Saturday night when I was a kid to watch samurai movies. I admit I liked the musicals best. Yeah, they used to have a lot of samurai-turn-drifting gambler "toseinin" musicals back then. I fell in love with some of them just like I fell in love with Elvis. :-)
I discovered the "Across the Nightingale Floor" by Lian Hearn, Book 1 of the Otori Series, a few years back and fell in love with samurai stories. I wanted to read more like that. So, I've been trying out some new authors that promise a taste of samurai fiction.
I just finished reading "Cloud of Sparrows" by Takashi Matsuoka. This book takes place during the time when America was just starting to send missionaries to Japan so there's a little of the old samurai feel with western shoot 'em up mixed in.
I really enjoyed this book. It did a good job of capturing the samurai essence. While I was reading it, I felt like I was watching a samurai movie. The next book in the series promises to be even better because it is incorporating the Japanese love of a good ghost story. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
I started reading "Black Arrow" by I.J. Parker while on vacation and I'm on the last chapter. This book is a murder mystery set in Ancient Japan. Now that's different! It's been a really fun read. The main characters are often funny and very likable. There are many murders to be solved and a few twists that keep you wondering through the entire book. My son Aki read it too and he loved it. I. J. Parker has a series of these murder mysteries with the main character Sugawara Akitada.
I especially recommend these books for young adult males, but anyone who likes sci-fi/fantasy or mysteries would like these books.
Buy Across the Nightingale Floor - $14.00 (Otori Series Book 1)
Buy Cloud of Sparrows - $7.50 | Buy Black Arrow - $14.00

Who's that under the Bookless Book Nook?
Have you met Jennifer Brown yet? If you visit our store often, you probably already recognize her as one of ABFAS' friendly staff members, but if you visit our new website, you'll also recognize her as our model extraordinaire (AKA, one of the few ABFAS staff members willing to have their picture taken)!
Jennifer was raised right here in Leavenworth and this is also where she met her husband, Peter. They haven't always lived here though; they wandered away a bit and lived in Texas and Salem, Oregon, but now they've come back home to Leavenworth with their two children, Wyatt, who is 13 and Abby, who is 9.
Jennifer has worked at ABFAS since January and she's enjoyed it almost as much as we've enjoyed having her around! According to Jennifer, "I like working with the people, both the customers and the other employees".
Jennifer always has a smile on her face and you'll find that she always eager to help in any way that she can. Stop in and say hello!

Pat's Corner
The summer I was five, when July rolled around, my father said to my brothers and I, "Why is the fourth of July?" At least that is how I understood the words coming from his mouth. But really he was being a punster and just making a statement of fact, "Y is the 4th of July." I didn't think it was very funny then and you probably don't now, but we had a lot of that kind of wordplay and mind-games taking place in our home and probably was the wellspring of my long enduring obsession with words, books and story. And that is my convoluted segue into wishing all of our friends and customers a wonderful 4th of July.
As an independent bookseller, the fourth of July has deep-rooted significance. We take very seriously our, both yours and my, constitutional right to free speech. With the fourth just around the corner, it got me thinking about the broader meaning of independence and why it resonates so strongly with booksellers and what it dictates what we do and don't do.
We do respect your right to read freely what you wish to read. With the millions of titles in print we carefully select titles we feel represent the taste of our customers, but if we don't have the book you are looking for in our store, we will gladly order and have it for you, in a timely fashion.
We do employ a knowledgeable staff from our community who are passionate about books and who are equally interested to hear about the books you are excited about.
We do bring authors into our community for you to meet and talk with and, hopefully you have had the opportunity to attend some of the slideshows, workshops and lectures that have happened right here in Leavenworth.
We do take seriously our obligation as booksellers to defend the privacy of our customers, no matter who might be demanding information from us. This means we will never surrender or share your sales information to anyone.
We still continue to consider our bookstore a relevant part of our community; this is our passion and it's difficult for us to envision a world without independent bookstores.
I continue along my yellow brick road, thankful for all readers out there who share a passion for words and story and welcome you into our humble independent abode of books. ABFAS appreciates all our friends and customers who shop, browse and visit with us. Thank you and Three cheers for INDEPENDENTS!
Jipkiss and the Brilliant Bibliophiles @ A Book For All Seasons want to thank you again for your support! We'll See You Next Month! |