David Ash
Poet and publisher David Ash thinks that writing books of haiku (three-line, seventeen-syllable poems) is fairly fast and easy. He has already produced his first six books of humorous haiku through Basho Press in less than a year.
Kit Bakke
Kit was born in Seattle at the end of 1946, two days before Christmas. She has two younger brothers. Her mom was a stay-at-home, civic volunteer sort of mom who baked chocolate chip cookies in the afternoons before they got home from school. In August, she would get all the neighborhood kids together and drill them with arithmetic flash cards to limber them up for school. Her dad was a physician who researched endocrine physiology with rats and mice as well as took care of human patients. She worked in his lab during her high school summers, executing rats with a tiny guillotine, squeezing out their blood and then cutting out their pituitary glands.
Susan Butruille
Susan Butruille grew up with a closeness to the land of Colorado, where her father was with the U.S. Forest Service and her mother was a teacher. Now a resident of Washington State, the author has traveled extensively and has become an authority on women's history in the West. She has made a commitment to making women's voices heard through her thorough research culminating in a myriad of books.
Lewis Buzbee
Lewis Buzbee is a former bookseller, a former sales rep, and former publisher. He is also a teacher in the University of San Francisco M.F.A. Program for Writers, but what Lewis Buzbee is above all is a life-long lover of books.
Deb Caletti
When Deb is not writing books or reading them, she is a painter and a lyricist, and speaks widely and wittily to audiences on writing and life as an author. She sometimes lives on a houseboat in Seattle with her husband and rosebush-eating Beagle, Jupiter.
Dia Calhoun
Dia Calhoun is the author of five fantastic young adult fantasy novels, which have won her many enthusiastic fans and several awards, including the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature, the Voya Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror award, an IRA Teacher's Choice, three ALA Best Books for Young Adults and a Booklist Top Ten First Novel.
Janet Lee Carey
"I love writing," says Janet. "If you tied my hands behind my back, I'd drop the keyboard to the floor and type stories with my toes." When she isn't weaving wonderful tales or off somewhere teaching a writing workshop, Janet occasionally finds time to cook dinner, clean the house, and walk in the rain.
Kirsten Carlson
Kirsten's lifelong love of art, nature, and science have led her on a strange and amazing path, though it was an underwater adventure in Antarctica that finally convinced her to follow her heart to a career bringing people closer to the natural world through illustrations and stories. She has achieved numerous awards and art gallery exhibits, and lives in Gig Harbor with 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 husband, and a jeep named Hazel.
Justina Chen Headley
A Stanford graduate and former marketing executive for Microsoft, Justina says of her life right now: "In between my adventures with my family, writing and reading, I run, walk, and practice yoga. I'm an ardent believer in giving back to the community, which is why part of the proceeds from my first two books will benefit children."
Brenda Cooper
Brenda is a writer, public speaker, and a futurist. She is interested in how new technologies might change us and our world, particularly for the better, and in global warming.
Dodie Cross
Dodie has received numerous awards for her writing and poetry, among them the prestigious Southern California Writer's Conference First Place Award for Best Non-fiction for Abroad, as well as First Place in their inaugural Poetry Award. She is a prize-winning author, accruing first and second place prizes in her published articles. Her education has been in Creative Writing and journalism. She also attended Cerritos College and College of the Desert for magazine and newspaper writing.
Stephanie Kallos
Visit Stephanie's splendid web page and enjoy exclusive essays and readers guides, get to know Stephanie through her bio and book reviews, learn long-awaited news about the next book, and sample her nifty newsletter! Remember, we always have signed copies of Broken For You awaiting eager readers in our store. Perfect for book groups and long winter evenings.
Kay Kenyon
Kay lives locally but writes to international acclaim. She also inspires other writers through frequent workshops and spearheads the annual Write On The River conference in Wenatchee.
Jane Kirkpatrick
Jane Kirkpatrick is a writer, speaker, teacher and mental health professional. Her award-winning essays, articles, and humor have appeared in over fifty publications such as Decision, Country and Daily Guideposts. She's written 14 novels and two non-fiction books including the Wrangler award-winning book A Sweetness to the Soul, a story inspired by a fifty-year old essay a Depression-era schoolboy wrote about his distant ancestors - the Sherars. Her titles have been finalists for the Oregon Book Award, the Spur Award from Western Writers, Reader's Choice and the WILLA Literary Award of Women Writing the West. Literary Guild, Book of the Month, Doubleday Book Club and Crossings have chosen her books as main features or alternate selections.
Viktor Kramar
The cragging near Leavenworth is centered in the two major canyons that converge in the Upper Icicle Valley. Both venues offer a wide variety of climbing on the well-featured quartz diorite rocks, ideally suited for today's cragging enthusiasts. You'll find a variety of routes that will entice. This is the Bible of rock-climbing in the Leavenworth area. You can't live without it.
Bill D. Layman
William Layman is a mental health counselor with a private practice in Wenatchee, WA. He is a recipient of the Center for Columbia River History's James B. Castles Award.
Ron Lovell
Ron Lovell is a retired Oregon State University journalism professor and former magazine journalist. A native of Colorado who grew up in California and worked all over the country in his journalism career, Lovell now lives on the Oregon Coast in a small house with a view of the trees and the sea.
Deb Lund
In fifth grade, her teacher sent in a poem she had written and it was published in a book of student writing called "Wonder Writers." She was hooked. She writes for children because she remembers what it's like to be a kid, or maybe part of her never grew up. She still likes to do some things other people think are silly. She can unicycle, hula-hoop, and juggle, but not at the same time. She's learned to like watermelon and some kinds of mustard, but she still don't like black licorice.
Debbie Macomber
Debbie Macomber loves to tell of how she struggled for five years to find a publisher who would buy one of the manuscripts she wrote in her kitchen on a rented typewriter. Of how the young, dyslexic mother bargained with her four children to give her the quiet time to write. Eighteen years after she made that first sale, Debbie Macomber finds her name is recognized not only in households across the country but in countries around the world. Sixty million copies of her books are in print.
Chester Marler
Chester Marler has spent many years working for Stevens Pass, and previous to that, the Forest Service. In other words, this man has been in the woods a lot in the North Cascades and knows what he's talking about. When not in the wilderness, Chester lives with his family in Leavenworth, WA.
Patrick McManus
Patrick McManus is one of A Book For All Seasons' favorite authors! With a large catalog of classically funny novels about nature, we like him so much our inn has a room devoted to his novels! Below, the author describes himself in his own words. You can also buy any of his books right on this page.
Kevin O'Brien
Award-winning author Kevin O'Brien has earned a spot on national best-sellers lists such as USA Today, New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and Readers Digest. ONLY SON was optioned for film rights by M-G-M. Both WATCH THEM DIE and LEFT FOR DEAD were runners up for the Friends of Mystery Spotted Owl Award. O'Brien won The Spotted Owl for Best Pacific Northwest Mystery with his book THE LAST VICTIM.
Gregg Olsen
A New York Times bestseller and phenomenon in his own right, Gregg's celebrity stems from the fascinating, detailed insight into the real lives behind the mysteries and murders. He's made an indelible impression on Leavenworth with his offbeat charm and easygoing wit.
Dr. Riki Ott
Since 1987 Dr. Ott has dedicated her academic training in marine biology and toxicology to help the general public understand the effects of oil, mining and industry activities on water quality and marine and aquatic ecosystems.
Chuck Palahniuk
Want a personal signed copy of RANT? Chuck is offering his readers a rare chance to get their hands on signed copies of his books—courtesy of your local independent bookstore! Also, scroll down to check out Chuck's other titles which are also available for purchase online.
Ted Price
In 1960, Ted Price left a career in pharmaceutical sales and landed in Leavenworth. He opened a Bavarian restaurant and motel, beginning the German theme for of the town. His efforts are captured in Miracle Town, the story of Leavenworth's renaissance.
Paul Roberts
Paul Roberts has written for the New York Times Magazine and is a regular contributor to Harper's Magazine.
Sheila Roberts
Sheila Roberts lives on a lake in the Pacific Northwest. She's been writing since 1989, but she did lots of things before settling in to her writing career, including owning a singing telegram company and playing in a band. When she's not speaking to women's groups or at conferences she can be found writing about those things near and dear to women's hearts: family, friends, and chocolate.
Joni Sensel
Her name is pronounced "Johnny" and no, her dad swears he didn't want a boy. With grant money she was shocked to win, she created Dream Factory Books in 1999 to publish two picture books with environmental themes. In addition to writing for children, she has more than 20 years of experience consulting on communications and marketing for businesses.
Elizabeth Sims
Elizabeth Sims was born in Wyandotte, Michigan, in 19coughcough. Her formative years were spent investigating the lives of Nancy Drew, Laura Ingalls, and Sherlock Holmes, as well as making gunpowder in the basement with her chemistry set. As the holder of English degrees from Michigan State University and Wayne State University, where she won the Tompkins Award for Graduate Fiction, and now a professionally published author, she is living proof that studying literature can work out.
Robert Wells
If you've ever wondered if you can "Count to a Googol?" or perhaps "What's Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew?" or maybe "What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah?" then Robert Wells gives you and your child the answers with wonderful illustrations and text designed to expand your child's horizons. Wells' books bring science and nature to children in ways that are both stimulating and entertaining.
Susan Wooldridge
Susan, who has a B.A.in anthropology from Barnard College (Columbia Univ.), and an interdisciplinary masters in art and writing from CSU Chico, has been teaching writing workshops to adults, children, youth-at-risk and teachers-in-training since 1980.