Sat, Oct 27 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Struggles to Thrive and Rebuild and Unknowns (Book Buzz)
October Book Buzz: Struggles to Thrive and Rebuild and Unknowns
Join us for the October Book Buzz with Carter Sickels's portrayal of West Virginia's modern-day struggles in The Evening Hour; Christine Smith's memoir More Faster Backwards; Daniel O'Rourke's short stories Unknown Roads; and Kenny Knight's autobiography, Unknown Rock Star.
 The Evening Hour by Carter Sickels $16.00
Most of the wealth in Dove Creek, West Virginia, is in the mountains—in the coal seams that have provided generations with a way of life, but little prosperity. Born here and raised by his Pentecostal grandfather, twenty-seven-year-old Cole Freeman sidestepped work as a miner to become an aide in a nursing home. He's got a shock of bleached blond hair and a gentle touch well suited to the job. He's also a drug dealer, reselling the prescription pills of the older population to a younger crowd.
Cole's work leads him down back roads and hollows, and into the homes of the town's uncommon characters: an openly gay ex-con, an octogenarian environmentalist, and a myriad of old-timers, war veterans, shut-ins, and church-goers. As Heritage Coal razes the mountains, some choose to leave, a few fight, and most, like Cole, try to ignore the devastation.
Meanwhile, his whole world is shifting: his grandfather has died and the mining corporation is angling for the family land. His long-gone mother has reappeared, and his bad-news best friend is back. But it will take a true catastrophe to force Cole into action—if not to save his world, at least to save himself.
"Absorbing... Nearly every character is an underdog, and readers can't help but root for them, even knowing all the while that it is futile.... Sickels manages to depict the region and its inhabitants vividly, but without condescension.... As a backdrop to Cole's story, Sickels weaves in subtle commentary on the political hot-button issue of mountaintop removal. He also incorporates the timely Wall Street vs. Main Street disconnect, through the residents' justified mistrust and visceral hatred of unsympathetic coal-mining executives, who pocket billions while the townspeople literally perish. At a time when it's easy for outsiders who are living comfortably to speak in terms of optimism and hope, The Evening Hour doesn't shy away from the harsh truth that, for some, there simply isn't a light at the end of the tunnel." The Boston Globe
"Set in modern-day West Virginia coal country, Sickels's debut revolves around a cast of characters whose world is pulled out from under them. . . the novel is grounded in rich storytelling." — Publisher's Weekly
"Isolated and economically depressed, the Appalachia portrayed here is not new, but Cole's point of view is not one often encountered in contemporary fiction. First-time novelist Sickels paints Cole's experience with an unflinching hand." — Library Journal
"A plainspoken novel, but one with intensely lyrical moments, about the devastation of the West Virginia landscape—and the devastation to the local communities—owing to mountaintop removal...Sickels has great insight into the emotional life of West Virginians, and he refreshingly presents them as fully realized characters rather than as clichés or stereotypes." — Kirkus Review
About the Author
Carter Sickels, a graduate of the MFA program at Pennsylvania State University, was awarded fellowships to Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Sewanee Writers' Conference, the MacDowell Colony, VCCA, and the Djerassi Residency. After spending nearly a decade in New York, Carter left the city to earn a master's degree in folklore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Buy a SIGNED copy of The Evening Hour by Carter Sickels - $16.00
 More Faster Backwards: Rebuilding David B, by Christine Smith - $19.95
ON JUNE 16, 2006, the David B left Bellingham, Washington bound for Juneau, Alaska, on her maiden voyage as a passenger vessel. Eight years earlier, Christine and Jeffrey had found the David B tucked behind a breakwater on Lopez Island. The tired old wooden boat, built in 1929, was showing her age. When the young couple stepped aboard the neglected vessel, her sturdy work-boat style captured their hearts with an ageless beauty that only the young dreamers could see.
Their desire was to own and operate a small expedition cruise ship in Alaska. With their love for one another and without much income, they pinned their hopes and sheer will on rebuilding the dying boat. What they thought would be a two-year project, became an eight-year tug-of-war between time and money as they raced to finish rebuilding the David B before it was too late.
More Faster Backwards is the story of Christine and Jeffrey's uncertain struggle to rebuild the David B and their journey to Alaska on an untested seventy-seven year old boat to begin the life of their dreams.
 Five Star Review from Readers Favorite!
"More Faster Backwards is an entertaining read. I found myself cheering the David B on. I wanted the Smiths to succeed. This book proves that with hard work, persistence, and determination you can achieve your dream. I was quickly drawn into this tale; I eagerly turned the pages not wanting to wait to see what new adventure the Smiths would face. Smith is a talented author. She paints a beautiful picture with words. The author shares photos in the back of the book. The photos document the change as the work on the ship progressed." — Anne B. for Readers Favorite Read the whole review
About the Author
Christine Smith moved to Bellingham, Washington to attend Western Washington University in 1990, and stayed after she graduated because she loved the area. She is one of the founders of Northwest Navigation Co., Inc. which owns the David B. Alongside her role as chef, naturalist, mate, and part-time engineer onboard, she is vice president and runs the company's office and it's website. In the off-season she also operates a small gardening company, and is a founding member of the Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Christine spends her spare time running the trails in the foothills outside of Bellingham. She lives with her husband Jeffrey and their two cats, Harriet and Oswald.
Buy a SIGNED copy of More Faster Backwards: Rebuilding David B - $19.95
 Unknown Roads, by Daniel P. O'Rourke - $16.99
>In this book of short stories you will travel down Unknown Roads. Some are dark stretches of highway, some are dirt paths, some are portals to other dimensions; all are treacherous as they lead you to destinations of the macabre, the malevolent, the fantastic, and the unexpected. Prepare to be scared, shocked, and moved to tears from sadness and laughter, and maybe stimulated from time to time. One thing to remember, you are not alone on these journeys, and nothing can prepare you for the things you will encounter in your crossings along Unknown Roads.
About the Author
Daniel P. O'Rourke is a former Marine and fire-fighter as well as a life long writer. At the age of 33, Unknown Roads is his debut work of published fiction.
Buy a SIGNED copy of Unknown Roads - $16.99
 Unknown Rock Star: The Autobiography of Kenny Knight, by Kenny Knight - $15.95
 From Hollywood to Lake Tahoe, The Imperials to Mark Lindsay, Kenny Knight worked in the hottest venues and with some of the most influential musicians and performers of his day, thanks to a directive to drop his sax and pick up a guitar. In Unknown Rock Star, Kenny recounts his forty-plus years of experience in the entertainment industry, from sound man to stage performer to radio host and studio master. Part raw autobiography, part how-to guide to success in "The Biz," Unknown Rock Star offers a rare glimpse of how an everyday kid from California harnessed his talent and made it in the entertainment industry through hard work, perseverance, personal tragedy, and an unyielding faith in the music.
About the Author
Kenny Knight has over four decades of experience in the entertainment industry as a musician, sound technician, radio host, and studio master. He currently lives near Cheney, Washington, with his wife Nancy, where they own and operate Knight Production. To learn more about Kenny and his work, visit
Buy a SIGNED copy of Unknown Rock Star: The Autobiography of Kenny Knight - $15.95