Fri, Sep 28 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
John de Graaf: Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness (Presentation) |
Sat, Sep 29 2:00 - 4:00 PM Bookstore Free |
John de Graaf signs What's the Economy for Anyway? (Book-signing) |
 What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness by John de Graaf, David K. Batker
Named Best Business Book for Fall 2011 by Publishers Weekly
The question no one ever bothered to ask about the economy: How can we make it work for us, instead of the other way around?
In this funny, readable, and thought-provoking book based on the popular film of the same name, activists John de Graaf (coauthor of the bestselling Affluenza) and David Batker tackle thirteen economic issues, challenging the reader to consider the point of our economy. Emphasizing powerful American ideals, including teamwork, pragmatism, and equality, de Graaf and Batker set forth a simple goal for any economic system: The greatest good for the greatest number over the longest run. Drawing from history and current enterprises, we see how the good life is achieved when people and markets work together with an active government to create a more perfect economy—one that works for everyone.
Beginning by shattering our fetish for GDP, What's the Economy For, Anyway? offers a fresh perspective on quality of life, health, security, work-life balance, leisure, social justice, and perhaps most important, sustainability. This sparkling, message-driven book is exactly what those lost in the doldrums of partisan sniping and a sluggish economy need: a guide to what really matters, and a map to using America's resources to make the world a better place.
"De Graaf and Batker's criticisms—of big business, taxation, American universities, Obama's response to the financial meltdown—are lucid; what comes as a pleasant surprise is that their solutions are no less clear and actionable." — Publishers Weekly
"A stimulating approach to the economy, which puts people and their needs ahead of money-based indicators of growth and performance.... An entertaining presentation of important ideas and information about how lives could be improved." — Kirkus Reviews
"Yes, What's the Economy For, Anyway? is tremendously exciting, thought-provoking, and essential to thinking about our survival. But for me, it's just plain fun to read! I've always been the hedonist of the Simplicity movement, so I know when something is truly enjoyable. And this book is. Read and enjoy!" — Cecile Andrews, author of Slow Is Beautiful, and Circle of Simplicity
"With our economy tattered and listing, it's an excellent moment to ask basic questions: what should we be aiming for as a society, and what's necessary to get there? Happily, other parts of the world provide many of the answers, as John de Graaf and David Batker show in this extremely valuable volume." — Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
"...breezily-written, inspiring, and common-sense account of what really yields true economic well-being." — Juliet B. Schor, author of True Wealth, Born to Buy and The Overworked American
"The authors offer dozens of examples and practical solutions to help us choose another way forward. Taking a step back has never seemed more timely than now." — The Boston Globe
About the Author
John de Graaf is the national coordinator of Take Back Your Time, an organization challenging time poverty and overwork in the U.S. and Canada (see and a frequent speaker on issues of overwork and over-consumption in America. He is often a guest lecturer on college campuses. John is the co-author of the best-selling Affluenza: the all-consuming epidemic—now published in eight other languages as well. He is the editor of Take Back your Time and of the children's book, David Brower: Friend of the Earth. He also wrote the first chapter ("Childhood Affluenza") of the American Academy of Pediatrics' seminal book on childhood, About Children. His articles have been published in dozens of magazines.
John has worked with KCTS-TV, the Seattle PBS affiliate, for 24 years, as an independent producer of television documentaries. More than 15 of his programs have been broadcast in Prime Time nationally on PBS. He is also the recipient of more than 100 regional, national and international awards for film-making, including three Emmy awards. He produced the popular PBS specials, Running Out of Time, an examination of overwork and time pressure in America, and Affluenza, a humorous critique of American consumerism. His other national PBS specials include For Earth's Sake: The Life and Times of David Brower; Visible Target; A Personal Matter: Gordon Hirabiyashi vs. The United States; Beyond Organic; Escape From Affluenza; It's Up To Us: The Giraffe Project and Circle of Plenty.
He recently completed three new documentary films, Silent Killer: The Unfinished Campaign Against Hunger; Buyer, Be Fair: The Promise of Product Certification; and The Motherhood Manifesto.
Prior to his work in TV, John was Public Affairs Director for KUMD Radio in Duluth, Minnesota. He has taught documentary film production at The University of Washington and The Evergreen State College. He has also taught on Time, Consumerism and Sustainability issues at Evergreen. He is the founder of the Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival and former president of the Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Network. He is also the recipient of the Founders of a New Northwest Award for his work in environmental media. The de Graaf Environmental Filmmaking Award, named in his honor, is presented annually at the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival in Nevada City, California.
He is also a member of the steering committee for the Simplicity Forum, a national think tank for the Voluntary Simplicity movement. In 2005, he was the World Food Day George McGovern lecturer at the FAO in Rome. He is a member of the Balaton Group on International Sustainability, which meets annually in Hungary, and a member of the steering committee of the Forum on Social Wealth.
Buy a SIGNED copy of What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness - $25.00