Fri, Aug 5 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
Ultimate Journeys with Author Bruce Taylor and Graphic Artist Roberta Gregory (Presentation) |
Sat, Aug 6 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Multi-author Book Buzz |
 Ultimate Journeys with Author Bruce Taylor and Graphic Artist Roberta Gregory
Bruce Taylor, aka. Mr. Magic Realism, is know for stories in which, for example, aliens hide out in American breakfast foods. "A writer of imagination and insight, Bruce Taylor...amazes and intrigues," says Terry Brooks. While continuing to share tales of biomechanical cats and "Water for Quarks," Taylor will also share his latest soul-searching journey: "Mountains of the Night," about those journeys we all must undertake which ultimate define our lives.
 Life throws a difficult journey in front of each of us. To take it and fully embrace the journey brings the riches of a life well-lived. Using the metaphor of hiking, Taylor explores his own Mountains of the Night. Dealing with a chronic and potentially life-threatening illness, confronting the impact of a profoundly dysfunctional family; these are like being on a trail through the rugged mountains of one’s soul. Taylor urges us to go on, no matter what the trail of life brings us. If we turn back, we never come to know What Could Be, and what our true strengths are. To persevere is to discover what it means to be vitally and truly alive.
 Roberta Gregory shares "Follow Your Art," a rich depiction of her journeys through Europe, Asia, America, feminism, and more. Her medium is humorous graphic art (yes, when she started, we all called them comic books). "Follow Your Art" is a huge "thank you," Gregory says, to everyone who made her interesting life possible, as well as an invitation to everyone else to "come along for the ride!"
 Roberta Gregory was drawn to comics as an art-form from an early age, and pioneered many "firsts" in the field without stopping to notice her "first" status—she was just doing what seemed right to do, she says. She adds that she is happy to be living proof that feminists do have a sense of humor. "I was really just writing and drawing the sorts of stories that I would love to read, if someone else was doing them. Nobody else was, so it seemed to be up to me," says Gregory.
About the Authors
Taylor and Gregory's wide travels have overlapped, and Bruce Taylor can be discovered in many of the graphic panels of Gregory's "Follow Your Art." Taylor, founder of the Magic Realist Writers International Network, has written, edited, or championed several quirkily magical collections. A therapist at Harborview Medical Center for 25 years before retiring to write and teach, Taylor was born, and still resides, in Seattle, WA. Learn more at
Gregory was born in L.A., and following in her father's Disney-cartoonist footsteps, has been creating comics since kindergarten. Her travels have taken her around the world including Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Her work and characters have appeared in numerous venues including Wimmen's Comix and Canada's Comedy Network. Learn more at
Buy a SIGNED copy of Mountains of the Night - $13.95
Buy a SIGNED copy of Follow Your Art - $14.00