Fri, Jul 22 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
Artist Marcia Shaver shares her journey on the Camino de Santiago (Presentation) |
Sat, Jul 23 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
The Artist's Journey: The Perfumed Pilgrim Tackles the Camino de Santiago: a book-signing by Marcia Shaver (Book-signing) |
 The Artist's Journey: The Perfumed Pilgrim Tackles the Camino de Santiago
Trials, tribulations, and testy travelers only spurred artist Marcia Shaver on in her 1,299,851 steps across Spain, from St. Jean Pied de Port, France, to Finisterre. Choosing well her walking companion, setting a practical pace with time to draw, and drinking in the revitalizing countryside, Marcia rediscovered her physical strength—and more. From the depths of her soul rose her true nature as the Pilgrim's Way nurtured it and let it shine forth. Marcia's can-do, let's-have-fun spirit transports the easy-chair traveler—and will send many a reader on the same journey of the body and soul.
The Camino de Santiago is a Medieval Pilgrimage route that stretches 500 miles across northern Spain to the Cathedral where St. James is buried. People famous and humble have been walking it for over one thousand years, and today is travelled by people from around the globe.
"I walked the Way of St. James seeing all 550 miles through an artist's eye," says Marcia. "Visually, we artists notice things that others do not: long shadows falling across a courtyard wall, the rhythm of windmills cresting the hilltops, clouds moving dramatically across the vault of heaven, the glint of sunshine on a stream...these images capture the feeling or essence of the place. They are frequently much more evocative than a photograph and more powerful than words."
The Artist's Journey, is different from other travel adventure books for women, Marcia says, because "Tannis and I are not super athletes, linguistically gifted, or rich and famous. We are normal women just like so many others out there, but we leapt into the unknown together. In this book you can travel along with us each day as we make mistakes, laugh at ourselves, meet new people and discover our strengths."
When asked what she hopes readers will learn from her story, Marcia replies: "Right now ... many people are finding themselves with less. Many of us are also at a crossroads in our lives. On the Camino we learned that want and need are two vastly different things. We took joy in the simple things and felt immensely grateful for everything we received, however humble. It was one of the most compelling experiences of my life. Since then not a day passes that I do not think of a positive thing that I learned along the way, and it enables me to view my life forever differently."
"Do not let anyone, including yourself, make you feel less than you are. The lessons of the Camino were many: Don't stop before you reach your goal, no matter how far or how difficult it seems. It is not ever easy and you will encounter obstacles that you never imagined. Step over them or around them and keep going. You can achieve what ever you set your mind to. There are wonderful and caring people everywhere to help you if you will let them. Miracles happen every day if you open your eyes and see them."
"The Artist's Journey instantly enthralled me with the journey of two women trekking the Camino de Santiago. Fascinating descriptions of the people and places along their path enliven recounts of the history of the region. The author's sense of humor comes through wonderfully, and I found myself wanting to be there to share their adventure. Inspiring read with awesome artwork!" — Shirley Enebrad, Independent TV Producer, and author of Over the Rainbow Bridge
"After reading The Artist's Journey, you will want to put on hiking boots, grab a backpack, and travel the road to Santiago de Compastela. Inspiring, authentic, and extremely entertaining, the book takes you on a journey of the heart, feet, and soul with memorable characters, feasts, challenges, and triumphs." — Paula Russell, Time of Your Life Tours
"Adventure with Marcia Shaver as her artistic eye brings to life this famous pilgrimage. Her inspiring tale, enhanced with beautiful ink drawings, begins with jitters and ends with gratitude. She writes with warmth and awe of the people she encounters and daily events that repeatedly exceed her wildest expectations." — Wendy Platt, Wide World Books and Maps
About the Author
Growing up, Marcia Shaver worked summers on a family ranch in NE Oregon, moving cattle, tending to chores, and riding the wide-open range. These summers gave Marcia a deep love for the land, the West, independence, and challenges. She went on to study art at University of Oregon, Gage Academy in Seattle, and elsewhere, and is now both an artist and an art instructor. The land is often the subject of Marcia’s art. Whether she’s using pen and ink, watercolor, acrylic, or oil, her bold use of color reflects her cheerful and upbeat nature. Regardless of the medium, her strong sense of the graphic keeps her art grounded.
Marcia's prints and original paintings are featured in private and corporate collections internationally. As past president, she continues her twenty-plus years of active involvement in the Eastside Association of Fine Arts, an organization that supports artists at all levels of development. Marcia has journaled for years, so this was a natural way for her to share the profound experience described in The Artist's Journey. Marcia has a grown son, and lives with her husband in Redmond, Washington.
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