Fri, Apr 1 Free |
Kenn Nesbitt visits Osborn Elementary and Icicle Middle School. (School Visit) Thanks to a collaboration by Friends of The Library and A Book For All Seasons. Check with your school for details! |
Sat, Apr 2 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Kenn signs his fabulous books including More Bears! and The Aliens Have Landed At Our School. (Book-signing) |
 Our favorite LOL Kid’s Poet returns!
KENN NESBITT is possibly the funniest and most sought-after children's poet writing today. He's the author of several collections of LOL poetry for kids, including My Hippo Has the Hiccups, Revenge of the Lunch Ladies, and The Aliens Have Landed at Our School! Because Kenn loves to get kids writing their own wacky poetry, he travels the country, visiting over 70 schools each year. Kenn's website, Poetry4Kids, is the most popular children's poetry website in the world.
 More Bears!
Once upon a time there was a story. It was a lovely story with absolutely NO BEARS in it—not a SINGLE BEAR anywhere. Then one day...MORE BEARS!
"unseen children begin to demand "More Bears!" ...The bears begin entering the book, one by one, then in pairs, until there are more and more and more bears...infused with zaniness and fun. The participatory refrain of "More Bears" will bring this selection to life at storytimes." — School Library Journal
"rollicking ... idiosyncratic, one-of-a-kind bears ... including Astrobear, who 'was Bulgarian and always kept a hamster in his pocket, just in case,' and 'a papa bear, whose name, by the way, was Captain Picklehead, and a bear named Uncle Sheldon, who was bald and loved to play the ukulele.' ... Kids will be shouting along with every request for more bears—it's a story that's made for read-aloud, though it's all but guaranteed to be a rowdy one." — Publishers Weekly
"silly humor kids will dig. It's difficult to resist the hordes of firefighting, space-exploring, juggling, flying, conniving bears that pack these pages…a surefire hit." — Kirkus Reviews
"Bears in cowboy hats, bears in space! You'll be rolling when the grumpy narrator has his story overrun by these friendly beasts." — Parenting Magazine
 The Tighty Whitey Spider: And More Wacky Animal Poems I Totally Made Up
It's Official:
Kids want more of Kenn Nesbitt's sidesplitting poetry. They can't get enough of his clever wordplay, wonderful imagery, and zany rhymes. In this brand-new collection, Kenn has totally made up over fifty poems involving Acrobatic Cats, Kung Fu Pets, and Chickens on Computers.
My Kitten Won't stop Talking
My kitten won't stop talking.
She just prattles night and day.
She walks around repeating
nearly everything I say.
My kitten never says, "Meow."
She never even purrs.
She mimics me instead
in that annoying voice of hers.
She waits for me to speak,
and then she copies every word,
or begs me for a cracker,
or says, "I'm a pretty bird."
I'm not sure what to do, and so
I simply grin and bear it.
She's been this way since yesterday;
that's when she ate my parrot.
"imaginative flights of fancy and comic exaggeration… This contemporary, irreverent tone is sure to please children, especially boys." — School Library Journal
"We are big fans of Kenn Nesbitt and his side-splitting poetry. He's funny, ingenious, original and best of all, makes up his own darn rules. Do you find poetry boring, maybe a little stuffy? Do you hesitate to introduce poetry to your children because you aren't sure if they will embrace it? You really should give this poetry a try." —
"I can't think of a better way to help younger children develop an early appreciation for poetry than reading Nesbitt's poems." —