Fri, Feb 25 7:00 - 9:00 PM Barn Beach Reserve Free |
Awakening Presence, Power, and Passion: guidelines for being human during these magnificent and evolutionary time (Presentation) |
Sat, Feb 26 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Healing Self, Healing Earth Book-signing by Roy Holman (Book-signing) |
 Healing Self, Healing Earth: Awakening Presence, Power, and Passion
Roy Holman, author of Healing Self, Healing Earth: Awakening Presence, Power, and Passion demonstrates preparing for the Earth changes ahead, and helping humanity move into a new realm in 2012 and beyond. Roy offers essential guidelines for being human during these magnificent and evolutionary times on planet Earth. Roy’s international YogaMundo Peace Project is karma yoga, the Yoga of Action — getting off the yoga mat and taking action to heal our world. Healing Self, Healing Earth present tips for breathing, meditation, focusing, grounding, yoga, caring for the body, balancing and integrating emotions, forgiveness, taking responsibility, integrating Native wisdom, and much more.

Topics in Healing Self, Healing Earth include:
- Being You: Truth and Authenticity
- Love and Move Your Body
- Food and Nutrition
- Balance and Open-Mindedness
- Forgive and Let go
- Challenge Your Beliefs
- Chakras
- Gratitude
- Boundaries
- Sacred Space
- Making Peace with Pain
- Healing
"My spiritual belief system is simple," says Roy. "I try to see Spirit — Divinity — in everyone and everything, from looking into my cat's eyes to walking in an old growth forest. One of my favorite joys in teaching is seeing the look in the students' eyes at the end of class. This is what yoga is all about — integration of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Ultimately, we are all connected, and made up of the same sacred energy, and the sooner we remember this, the sooner we will create a more kind and compassionate world."
"Let Roy's words and practices water the seed of Awakening in you, and then watch with amazement as transformation happens. This book is a gift, and a contribution toward our collective opening to the One Self." — Denise Roy, author of My Monastery Is a Minivan, and Momfulness
"Eat this book. Nibble it, devour it. Nourish your life in these pages. Here is wisdom with a smile, insight with a pat on the back, blended especially for the lives we live today." — Maggie Bedrosian, author of Life Is More Than Your To-Do List
"a must-read for anyone looking to awaken and make the world a better place." — Dena Marie, author of Energy Matters.
About the Author
During the 1980's, Roy lived and traveled abroad extensively, including in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Western Europe, the former Soviet Union, and China. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz in 1991 with a BA in Sociology-Psychology, Roy joined a fact-finding delegation to Central America. He lived in Guatemala for the next three years doing human rights work, refugee work, and teaching. Returning to Seattle, Roy was ordained as a minister, trained in energy healing, and certified as a reflexologist, and as a yoga teacher in the Viniyoga tradition. Roy teaches hatha yoga: a grounded, breath-connected, meditative, flowing, traditional style he calls "meditation in motion." He also calls it "Feel Good Yoga." Roy includes breathwork (pranayama) and meditation, and incorporates many aspects of healing. Healing Self, Healing Earth, is Roy’s first book. He is currently at work on an autobiography and a poetry collection. Learn more at