Fri, Sep 10 6:00 - 8:00 PM Leavenworth Library Free |
BLASTING THE MARKET: A How-To for Bolstering Publication Credits (Writers' Workshop) |
Sat, Sep 11 1:00 - 3:00 PM Bookstore Free |
Susan Wingate Signs Her New Release: Easy as Pie at Bobby's Diner (Book-signing) |
 BLASTING THE MARKET: A How-To for Bolstering Publication Credits
For writers with a desire to get published, BLASTING THE MARKET gives workshop attendees the tools to pursue their dreams. Utilizing the internet, Susan will lead participants to the correct markets for their work. This practical, business-oriented workshop offers writers more options for seeing their work published. Participants should bring paper, writing tools, and if possible, a laptop computer.
Topics include:
- Get your work to the right people in the publishing industry
- Target your market
- Manage your submissions
- Write a professional query letter
- Utilize writers associations, websites, blogs, and online social networking
This amazing opportunity is offered free of charge!
 Easy As Pie at Bobby's Diner
Fans of Susan's Bobby's Diner will be delighted to hear that the second in Susan's four-book "Bobby's Diner" series, Easy as Pie at Bobby's Diner, is now available in paperback. Running a diner isn't always a piece of cake. Especially when an old "friend" starts flirting with your new beau. Georgette, who lost her first husband to another woman, is nearing fifty, and she isn't going to stand for it this time. The two women part company; but then the estranged friend goes missing. And hints start to surface that the man they are quarreling over has a dangerous past. It's going to take courage to survive the dangers ahead. Calling on her inner reserves and reaching out to friends, Georgette will discover new strength and belonging.
"Easy As Pie is a delightful read" — Simon Barrett, book review
"If the Ladies No.1 Detective Agency staff ran the Whistle Stop Cafe, the result would resemble Bobby's Diner and its sequel, Easy as Pie at Bobby's Diner. ... Comparable to Fried Green Tomatoes, the Ivy Towers Mystery series and The Potluck Catering Club series ... a perfect beach read" — Seattle P.I.
About the Author
Susan Wingate, award-winning novelist & poet, also writes memoir, plays and filmscripts. Wingate's "Bobby's Diner," was a finalist in the 2010 International Book Awards, 2009 National Book Awards, and 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Her novel "Camouflage," (written as Myah Lin) received a Finalist Award and an Editor's Choice Award in the 2009 Textnovel Writing Contest. Susan offers workshops, readings, and presentations at writing conferences, bookstores and libraries throughout the country. A volunteer with the San Juan Island Library, Susan loves to paint, travel, and go dancing with her husband, Bob.