Join Photographer and Outdoor Writer Craig Romano
Friday, Aug 28 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Barn Beach Reserve.
Or chat with Craig one-on-one at his book-signing at A Book For All Seasons, Saturday, Aug 29, 11:00 AM - noon.
The bottom line about this trail guide: It's new, it's current, it's packed with hikes within an hour's drive of the Wenatchee Valley, it covers the community trails (e.g., Sage Hills, Saddlerock) many guidebooks ignore, it's well researched and accurate, and there are useful topo maps for each hike. - Andy Dappen, Wenatchee Outdoors
 A must for the new-comer, and full of delights for the old-timer as well, Day Hiking Central Cascades is an excellent introduction to Leavenworth-area trails. Published by the Mountaineers and part of their 1% for trails program, this guide is compact, clear, and informative. It has a map, elevation profile, and photograph of every hike, as well as quick-reference icons for kid suitability, dogs, wildflowers, and more. Suggestions for hike extensions and off-trail exploration abound.
Day Hiking Central Cascades includes Stevens Pass, Wenatchee River Valley, Lake Wenatchee, Icicle Creek, Lake Chelan, the Entiat Mountains, Skykomish River Valley, Puget Sound Lowlands, and Whidbey Island. From trails appropriate for neophyte hikers, to less-traveled trails, to challenging routes, to jaw-dropping scenery, it's all here. Organized by major highways for easier planning.
About the Author
Author of several hiking guidebooks, Craig Romano is also the trails editor for Outdoors Northwest and writes for Northwest Runner, Paddler, CityDog, and other publications. An avid hiker, runner, kayaker, and cyclist, Craig is co-creator of hikeoftheweek.com and leads adventure travel trips in many parts of the world.
A former Boy Scout, back country ranger, and ski bum, the outdoors is my calling! I have traveled extensively, from Alaska to Argentina, Sicily to South Korea, seeking wild and spectacular landscapes. I rank Washington State, my home since 1989, among the most beautiful places on the planet and I have thoroughly hiked it, over 12,000 miles worth from Cape Flattery in the NW to Puffer Butte in the SE; Cape Disappointment in the SW to the Salmo-Priest Wilderness in the NE.. - Craig Romano
Photographs are by Alan Bauer, a professional photographer whose work has appeared in Backpacker, Northwest Travel, and many other publications.
For more information, visit http://craigromano.com
Buy a SIGNED Copy of Day Hiking Central Cascades - $18.95