Nancy Pearl at the Wenatchee Library Thursday, March 19th, 7:00PM - 8:00PM.
 A Book For All Seasons partners with the North Central Regional Library in bringing best-selling author Nancy Pearl to Wenatchee. Join us at the Wenatchee Public Library, 310 Douglas St, Thursday, March 19th, 7:00PM - 8:00PM.
Do you have book lust, like Nancy Pearl? This former librarian, bookseller, and Executive Director of the Washington Center for the Book, is so pleased to answer the question, "What should I read next?" that she has written three books and a book journal on the subject. And she may be the only librarian to have an action figure modeled after her.
 In 2004, Nancy became the 50th winner of the Women's National Book Association Award for her extraordinary contribution to the world of books. Nancy also developed the program "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book," which spread across the country. Nancy continues to celebrate the written word by speaking at bookstores and libraries, as a regular commentator about books on NPR's "Morning Edition," and on her monthly television program: Book Lust with Nancy Pearl on the Seattle Channel.
  The New York Times calls her "the talk of librarian circles." The Seattle Times says: "Readers who travel the pages of Book Lust will be astonished at the breadth and depth of Pearl's reading experience. It's a book best read twice; once straight through, then kept as a reference that will forever forestall the question, 'What should I read next?'"
Buy a Signed Copy of Book Lust - $16.95
Buy a Signed Copy of More Book Lust - $16.95
Buy a Signed Copy of Book Lust Journal - $12.95
Buy a Signed Copy of Book Crush - $16.95