Growing Up Psychic. Life Should Be Easy When You Can See the Future, Right?
 Professional psychic Suzanne Jauchius will share compelling stories of growing up intuitive at her book signing at A Book For All Seasons, Tuesday, December 29, 2:00 - 4:00 PM, and in a presentation at Leavenworth Library Tuesday, December 29, 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
Suzanne's new book, You Know Your Way Home, chronicles the journey of a psychically gifted little girl confounded by a stifling family life. Suzanne triumphed over an oppressive and awkward childhood, where her intuitive nature was neither welcomed nor tolerated. The author's unflinching willingness to expose the most personal details of her life reveals her courage and her conviction that true healing occurs when stories are shared and passed on. You Know Your Way Home is a candid portrayal of the road to recovery and self-fulfillment.
 Suzanne is a powerful speaker, bringing 30 years of metaphysical research and experience to the mysteries surrounding life. Her journey traverses high profile missing person cases, memorable characters and mystical experiences. She has been the topic of several magazine, radio and television articles. Learn more at her website,